Ch. 10 - Compensation Income Flashcards
What is an employer?
refers to any person for whom an individual performs any service of whatever nature as employee of such person
If an employer is a non-resident engaged in trade or business in the Philippines, the employer is deemed
the person paying renumeration in their behalf
What is an employee?
refers to any individual who is recipient of wages and includes officer, employee, or elected official of the Government of the Philippines or any political subdivisions, agency or instrumentality thereof. The term also includes an officer of a corporation
Elements of employer and employee relationship under case law
- Selection and engagement of employees
- Payment of wages
- Power of dismissal
- Power of control
The following are not considered employees
- Consultants
- Directors without management function
- Talents and artists on TV shows or radio broadcasts
(Their incomes or fees are considered business or professional income)
Types of employees as to function
- Managerial employees
- Supervisory employees
- Rank and file employees
Those who are given powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute managerial policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign, or discipline employees
Managerial employees
Those who effectively recommend such managerial actions if the exercise of such authority is not merely routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use of independent judgment
Supervisory employees
Those who hold neither managerial nor supervisory functions
Rank and File employees
Types of employees as to taxability
- Minimum wage earners
- Regular employees
refers to a worker in the private sector who is paid the minimum wage or to an employee in the public sector with compensation income of not more than the statutory minimum wage in the non-agricultural sector where he or she is assigned
Minimum wage earner
The statutory minimum wage refers to the
rate fixed by the Regional Tripartite Wage and Productivity Board of the DOLE or 5,000/month or 60,000/year, whichever is higher
Non-Taxable Compensations
- Mandatory Deductions
- Exempt Benefits
Exempt Benefits under the NIRC, as amended, and special laws
- Remunerations received as incidents of employment
- De minimis benefits
- 13th month pay and other benefits not exceeding P90,000
- Certain benefits of minimum wage earners
What are taxable de minimis benefits
- Excess de minimis over their regulatory limits
- Other benefits of relatively small value that are not included in the list of de minimis benefits
Treatment of taxable de minimis benefits for rank and file employees
taxable de minimis is treated as other compensation income under the category “13th month pay and other benefits”
Treatment of taxable de minimis benefits for managerial and supervisory employees
the taxable de minimis is treated as fringe benefit subject to final fringe benefit tax
If the employee is a managerial or supervisory employee, the entire excess de minimis shall be
considered as other fringe benefits subject to fringe benefit tax and is not part of 13th month pay and other benefits
Employees working in Philippine embassies or Philippine consulate offices are
not considered non-resident citizens and are therefore subject to Philippine income tax
Benefits or allowances furnished by the employer to the employees to enable them to appropriately and effectively execute their duties as required by their employment are
exempt from income tax, this is referred to as “necessity of the employer rule”
Benefits or allowances which are intended for the furtherance of the interest of the employer’s business or to ensure its smooth operations are
likewise exempt from income tax. This is referred to as the “convenience of the employer rule”