Ch 10 Baptisim Flashcards
what is baptism
Baptism is the immersion of a believer in Christ in water in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost
is baptism a church ordinance
Baptism is a church ordinance
how do you know it
Because Christ commanded it
is baptism essential to salvation
baptism is essential to salvation according to the teachings of the scriptures Mark 16:16 He that believeth…Matt 28-18-19 And Jesus came and spake unto them…..Romans 6:3 Know ye not
who are the subjects of baptism
believers in Christ are the subjects of baptism
would it be a christian baptism if the individual did not repent and believe
It would not be a Christian baptism if one did not repent and believe, because we are commanded to baptize only such as repent and believe
what is the design of baptism
The design of baptism is to show forth our,death burial and resurrection and to insure our faith in the death, burial and resurrection of the blessed Christ
what is the figurative expression of baptism
the figurative expression of baptism is to declare the inward washing away of our sins
Why do you believe that immersion is the only proper method of baptism
i believe immersion is the only proper method of baptism because it is the only method that will demonstrate death, burial and resurrection. The bible says that we are born of Christ by baptism Romans 6:4-5 Therefore we are buried…..
can any other method show death, burial and resurrection
no other method can demonstrate death, burial and resurrection
would you baptize and infant
I would not baptize an infant
why not
because an infant is not capable of repenting and believing
have you any proof that immersion is the proper method of baptisim
The proof that i have that immersion is the only proper method of baptism is by circumstantial evidence and historical records. John baptized in Enon because there was much water,Jesus went down into the Jordan to be baptized by John. Phillip and the eunuch went down int the river
would it have been necessary for them to to come down into the water to be sprinkled
It would not have been necessary for them to go down into the water to be sprinkled
why did they go down
They went down into the river to be immersed thereof
is immersion the only spiritual baptism
Immersion is the only spiritual baptism:; for if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall also be in the likeness of his ressurection