CH 1 vocab Flashcards
Define Chief executive officer (CEO)
The highest ranking executive in an organization. The CEO is responsible for carrying out the policies of the board of directors on a day to day basis
Define Chief Financial officer ( CFO)
The person in an organization who oversees all accounting and finance functions
Define Chief internal auditor (CIA)
The person in an organization who oversees the internal audit function.
Define Control decisions
Decisions related to motivating, monitoring , and evaluating performance
Define Controller
The person in an organization who manages the day to day accounting and issues guidance concerning corporate accounting policies
Define Decision
Choosing an option from a set of options to achieve a goal
Define Decision framework
A four step process that consists of specifying the decision goals, identifying available options, evaluating these options, and then selecting the option that best meets the decisions maker’s goals
Define financial accouting
Accounting information system that aims to meet the needs of decision makers outside the organziation
Define Goals
Objectives that decision makers try to achieve
Define managerial accounting
accounting information system that aims to meet the needs of decision makers inside an organization
Define Opportunity Cost
The value of the next best option
Define Organization
A group of individuals engaged in a collectively beneficial mission
Define Organization chart
A graphical representation of the hierarchical relations among positions in an organization
Define Planning decisions
Decisions about acquiring and using resources to deliver products and services to customers
Define Shareholder value
The long run expected wealth potential of an organization to its shareholders
Define Treasurer
The person in an organization who manages cash flows and serves as the contact point for banks, bondholders, and other creditors.
Define Value
The benefits less the costs of a decision option. Businesses often measure this as the incremental profit or cash flow associated with an option relative to “business as usual”( not doing anything.