Ch. 1 Turning Points In World History Flashcards
Roman emperor who began the first official Roman persecution of Christianity
Abrahamic Covenant
A covenant between Abraham and God that says Abraham would have many children who would own Canaan and bless all the nations of Earth.
Mosaic Covenant
A covenant between Moses and God in which Moses received the ten commandments.
Ten Commandments
Ten Laws showing Israel how to love God and other people.
the belief in one God
Davidic Covenant
A covenant between God and David where God promised David’s dynasty would last forever.
Jesus, David’s descendant
New Covenant
It was God’s promise to put his rules in the hearts of his people so that they would want to obey.
Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus of Nazareth is one of the given names of Jesus.
The king or a title, also treated as a name, given to Jesus.
The religion of the jews, distinct from Christianity.
Saul of tarsus
An early leader attempting to wipe out the church.
A Roman name for peoples not part of Greek or Roman culture
Byzantine Empire
The old eastern part of of the Roman empire
Christian church leader in Hippo, North Africa, who wrote “The City of God”
divine sovereignty
gods complete and permanent control over this world
image of god
set of qualities possessed by all humans that reflect god
creation mandate
gods command to humans to exercise dominion over the earth
human culture as it lived in cities or under the influence of cites
the physical and mental environment developed through human thought and lador
Roman emperor under whom Israel the last and most widespread Roman persecutions occurred
Roman emperor that converted to Christianity
Edict of Milan
A decree by Constantine that put an end to almost 300 years of Roman persecution
An early church teacher who claimed that Jesus was not real
Council of Nicea
A council of church leaders that met in the year 325 to consider the deity of Christ.
Theodosius 1st
Roman emperor who made Christianity the only religion in the empire.
Taught that Jesus was God and human but not a person
Missionary to Ireland during the 4th century AD
Ancient city of Byzantium that Constantine transformed into the new capital of the eastern portion of the Roman empire.
A culture institution in which humans who share certain core values work together to improve their quality of life
Seed of the serpent
Reference to those who would reject the messiah.
seed of the woman
Reference to those how would accept the Messiah A reference to Jesus.
A very large group of people who share the same language, family history, Land area, Culture.
Nations having their own governments.
Cities that have their own governments, independent of those of other cities.