Most of us don’t deliberately plot out which element of our lives
We often arrive at decisions because of a confluence of events.
Autopilot mode
Autopilot mode guides us through actions
As many as 40 percent of our actions are habits
which shouldn’t require conscious deliberation.
What is worth making deliberately ?
Managing our attention !
How do we typically manage our attention ?
We typically manage our attention on autopilot.
When we receive an email from our boss, we instinctively stop what we’re doing to respond
When someone has posted a picture of us online, we check etc
When we’re talking with someone=automatically focus on forming clever responses in our head before the other finishes
One of most underrated skills
letting other people finish their sentences before starting yours
How much of your time do you spend deliberately
and with INTENTION
deciding in advance what you want to do and when you’ll do it?
Little ! That’s why we should
we consider what we really ought to be doing and
make the effort to REALIGN our neurons to focus on that instead.
Autopilot versus Deliberate Intention
Autopilot mode can help us keep up the pace of work and life,
Attention is our most limited and constrained resource.
MANAGE OUR ATTENTION WITH INTENTION= more focused, productive, and creative
What is your most valuable commodity ?
Because so many things in the environment are after your ATTENTION
Or it will be highjacked
What is the problem with managing your attention on autopilot mode.
The most urgent and stimulating things in your environment are rarely the most significant.
This is why switching off autopilot mode is so critical.
We are what we pay attention to !
DELIBERATELY DIRECTING YOUR ATTENTION toward the most important object of your choosing— and then SUSTAINING THAT ATTENTION —
is the MOST CONSEQUENTIAL DECISION we will make throughout the day.
What to focus on ?
two main criteria to consider when categorizing what to focus on: whether a task is PRODUCTIVE (you accomplish a lot by doing it) whether a task is ATTRACTIVE (fun to do) or UNATTRACTIVE (boring, frustrating, difficult, etc.)
Four type of tasks
Necessary work includes tasks that are unattractive yet productive
Unnecessary work includes the tasks that are both unproductive
Distracting work includes stimulating, unproductive tasks = black hole for productivity
Purposeful work—the productivity sweet spot
Necessary work
unattractive & productive.
E.G. meetings, quarterly budget
Usually have to push ourselves to do this type of work
Unnecessary work
unproductive and unattractive
E.G. rearranging the papers on your desk or the files on your computer
Usually don’t bother with these tasks unless we’re procrastinating or resisting a task that is necessary & purposeful
Spending time on unnecessary work tasks keeps us busy, = active form of laziness
Distracting work
Stimulating, unproductive tasks= black hole for productivity
E.G. social media, IM conversations, news websites etc = low-return distraction
Can be fun but should generally be indulged in small doses
The better you become at managing your attention, the less time you’ll spend in this quadrant