Ch 1 ( SHM And Waves) Flashcards
Vibrating body
A body is said to be viberating if it moves back and forth or to and fro about a mean position
Eg simple pendulum motion
Spring constant from hookes law
According to hookes’ law, the force applied on the spring is directly proportional to the change in length of the spring.
F= -kx
K= -f/x
K is called the spring constant
Restoring force
The force that always pushes or pulls the viberating body towards mean position
Simple harmonic motion occurs when the net force is directly proportional to the displacement from mean position, and acceleration is always directed towards mean position.
Characters of SHM
- The body viberates about a fixed position
- Acceleration is directed towards mean position
- Magnitude of acceleration is always directly proportional to the displacement from mean position, i.e., acceleration will be 0 at mean and maximum at extreme position
- Velocity is maximum at mean and 0 at extrem position
One viberation
One complete round trip of a viberating body about its mean position
Time period
Time taken by a viberating body to complete one viberation
No. Of viberations or cycles if a viberation body in one second
Unit = hertz ( Hz )
Formula for frequency and time period
F = 1/T
Time period of pendulum formula
T=2pi under root l/g
Time period of mass spring system formula
T= 2pi under root m/g
The maximum displacement of a viberating body on either side from its mean position
Unit= m
No. Of times, the human ear drum can oscillate
20,000 times in one second
Damped oscillation
Oscillation in the presence of some resistive force
A wave is a disturbance in the medium that causes the particles of the medium to undergo viberatory motion about their mean position in equal interval of time
Types of waves
Mechanical waves
Electromagnetic waves
Mechanical waves
Waves that require a medium for their propogation
Eg water waves and sound waves
Electromagnetic waves
Waves which do not require a medium for their propogation
Eg heat and light waves
Types of mechanical waves
Longitudal waves
Transverse waves
Longitudal waves
In lonitudal waves, the particles of medium move back and forth along the direction of propogation of the wave
Eg sound waves
Transverse waves
The particles of the medium move perpendicular to the direction of propogation of the wave
Eg water waves
Ripple tank
A device used to produce water waves and study their characteristics
Reflection of wave
When a wave moving in one medium falls on the surface of another medium, they bounce back into 1st medium such that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
Refraction of wave
When a wave from one medium enters into another medium at some angle, its direction of travel changes
Diffraction of wave
Bending or spreading of waves around sharp edges or corners of obstacles or slits