Ch 1 Powerpoint Flashcards
Social solidarity
-The degree to which group members share beliefs and values and the intensity and frequency of their interaction
-The systematic study if human behavior in social context
Sociological explanation of suicide
- Emile Durkheim showed that suicide rates are strongly influenced by social forces.
- Durkheim argued suicide rates vary because of differences in the degree of social solidarity in different groups
Altruistic suicide
- occurs when norms tightly govern behavior so individual actions are often in the group interest
- Ex. When soldiers knowingly give up their lives to protect members of their unit
Egoistic suicide
- Results from a lack of integration of the individual into society because of weak social ties to others
- Ex. The rate of egoistic suicide is likely to be high among people who lack friends and are unmarried
Anomic suicide
-occurs when norms governing behavior are vaguely defined
Ex. When people love in a society lacking a widely shared code of morality, the rate of anomic suicide is likely to be high.
Social structure
- Sociologists call stable patterns of social relations social structures.
- One of sociology’s tasks is to identify and explain the connection between personal troubles and the social structures in which they are embedded
Sociological imagination
-They qualify of mind that enables one to see the connection between personal troubles and social structures
Origins of sociology
- The scientific revolution suggested that a science of society is possible
- The democratic revolution suggested people can intervene to improve society
- The industrial revolution presented social thinkers with social problems in need of a solution
Scientific revolution
- Began in Europe about 1550
- Encouraged the view that sound conclusions about the workings of society must be based on solid evidence, not just speculation
Democratic revolution
- Began about 1750, during which the citizens of the US, France, and other countries broadened their participation in government.
- The revolution suggested that people organize society and that human intervention can therefore resolve social problems
Industrial revolution
- The rapid economic transformation that began in Britain in then 1780s
- involved the application of science and technology to industrial processes, the creation of factories, and formation of a working class
- Created a host of new and serious social problems that attracted the attention of many social thinkers
Augusta Comte
- French social thinker Auguste Comte (1798-1857) coined the term sociology in 1838.
- Comte wanted to adopt the scientific method in the study of society
- He was a conservative thinker, motivated by strong opposition to rapid change in French society
Features of functionalism
- Human behavior is governed by social structures.
- Theories show how Social structures maintain or undermine social stability
- Theories emphasize that social structures are based in shared values
- Suggests that reestablishing equilibrium can best solve most social problems
Robert Merton
-Leading functionalist in the US
-Proposed that social structures may have different consequences for different groups
•some May have disruptive or dysfunctional
-Some functions are manifest, others are latent
Features if conflicts theory
- Focuses on macro-level structures, such as “class relations”
- Shoes how major patterns of inequality produce stability in some circumstances and change in others
- Stresses how members of privileged groups try to maintain advantages while subordinate groups struggle to increase theirs
- Leads to the suggestion that eliminating privilege will lower the level of conflict and increase total human welfare.
- German social thinker who originated conflict theory
- Class conflict, the struggle between classes to resist and overcome the opposition of other classes, lies at the center of his ideas
- The first African American to receive a PH.D from Harvard
- A founder of the national association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP) and of the country’s second department if sociology, at Atlanta university
C. Wright Mills
- Laid the foundations for modern conflict theory in the US in the 1950s
- Conducted pioneering research on American politics and class structure
- Argued that power is highly concentrated in American society which, is less of a democracy than we are often led to believe
- Noted the rapid growth of the service sector if the economy, with non manual workers and professionals
- Argued that members of those occupational groups stabilize society because they enjoy higher status and income than manual workers in the manufacturing sector
George Herbert mead
- The driving force behind the study of how the individuals sense of self is formed in the course if interaction with other people
- Mead and his colleagues developed symbolic interactionism
Features of symbolic interactionism
- Focus on interpersonal communication in micro-level social settings
- Emphasis in social life as possible only because people attach meanings to things
- Stress the notion that people help create their social circumstances and do not merely react to them
- Validation of unpopular and nonofficial viewpoints by focusing on the subjective meanings people create in small social settings
Social constructionist
-Those who argue that apparently natural or innate features of life are often sustained by social processes that vary historically and culturally
Features of feminist theory
- Focuses on patriarchy
- Holds that male domination and female subordination are determined by power and social convention
- Examines the operation of patriarchy in micro- and macro-level settings
- Patterns of gender inequality should be changed for the benefit of all members of society
Harriet Martineau
- Often called the first woman sociologist
- Martineau translated Comte into English and wrote one of the first books on research methods
-She undertook critical studies of slavery factory laws and gender inequality and was a leading advocate of voting rights in higher education for women and gender equality in the family
Jane Addams
- Jane Addams was cofounder of hull house, a shelter for the destitute in Chicago’s slums
- She spent a lifetime fighting for social reform and provided a research platform for sociologist from the university of Chicago
- In 1931, Adams revived the Nobel prize
-The process fk carefully observing reality to assess the validity of a theory or to generate a new one
Ethical considerations
-Researchers must respect their subjects rights to: •safety •privacy •confidentiality •informed consent
-Variable is a quality that can change from case to case
Ex. Age, sex, race, ethnicity, martial status
-hypothesis is a statement about what one is expected to find
-independent variable
•the presumed cause in a cause and effect relationship
-dependent bailable
• The presumed effect in a cause and effect relationship
The degree to which a measurement procedure yields consistent results
The degree to which a measure actually measures what it is intended to measure
The issue of who the results are applicable to
The entire group about which the researcher wishes to generalize
-Part of the population of research interest that is selected for an analysis
Random sample
- Sample in which members of the populations have the same chance of being selected for the study
- when we have a random sample we can generalize about the population
Convenience sample
- getting who we can get to participate in the study
- when we have a convenience sample we can only generalize about the people included in the study
-ask people questions about their knowledge and attitudes or behavior either online in a face-to-face interview telephone interview or paper and pencil format
Closed ended question
- in a survey a type of question that provides the read respondent with a list of permitted answers
- each answer is given a code so that the data can later be easily input into a computer for statistical analysis
Open-ended questions
In a survey a type of question allows respondents to answer in their own words