Describe the derivation of the term science
Science is derived from the Latin term ‘Scientia’ meaning ‘to know’.
In Sanskrit word ‘Vigyan’ has meaning ‘knowledge’
what are the procedures involved in Scientific Method
- Systematic Observation
- Controlled Experiment
- Quantitative and Qualitative Reasoning
- Mathematical Modelling
- Prediction
- Verification and Falsification of Theories
Name the two principle thrusts of Physics
- Unification
- Reduction
What are the domains of Physics
Macroscopic and Microscopic along with mesoscopic
which is the weakest force in the universe
Gravitational Force
Strongest Fundamental Force
Strong Nuclear Force
Name the Conservation Laws in Physics
- Law of Conservation of Energy
- Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum
- Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
- Law of Conservation of Charge
Name the Scientist that Unified Electromagnetism with Optics
protons and neutrons are made up of smaller constituent units called
What is the Range of the four Fundamental Forces in nature?
Gravitational and Electromagnetic Forces have infinite Range
Weak Nuclear force has a Range of 10^-16 m
Strong Nuclear Force has a Range of 10^-15m
what are the intermediate particles of Strong Nuclear Force
pi meson
what are the intermediate particles of Electromagnetic Force
what are the intermediate particles of Gravitational Force
the Weak Nuclear Force only appear in __________
certain nuclear processes like beta decay
what is the scale of length
10^-14m to 10^26 m
what is the scale of time
10^-22s to 10^18s
what is the range of mass
10^-31 kg to 10^55kg
the ratio of relative strength
G.F. : W.N.F : E.M.F. : S.N.F.
10^-39 : 10^-13 :10^-2 : 1