Ch. 1 ORIGIN OF THE BIBLE Flashcards
Greek word for the first five books of the Bible.
Greek translation of the Old Testament
Jewish Bible
Hebrew word meaning law, or constitution for the Jewish people.
Literally, the accepted standard.
What is the current Biblical Cannon?
We accept the Hebrew Bible as our Old Testament & accept the New Covenant and Paul’s writings as our New Testament.
The Old Testament begins with…
Hebrew Jewish Scriptures
Our journey to understand the origin of the Bible began with…
What was given to Moses 3300 years ago on mount Sinai
When was the Hebrew Bible (Tanach) translated into the Greek? (Septuagint)
250 B.C
What is the symbol for the septuagint? Why?
meaning 70. For the 70-72 men that made up the translation team.
When did a complete English version of the Bible come into existence?
Not until the Middle Ages, which made the Bible uncommon to the less educated.
What two factors contributed to the growth of the English Bible?
The revival of learning and the invention of the printing press.