The concept of assurance
We ask for assurance when we need to know whether or not things are ‘ok’.
It is often not possible to check the situation yourself – so you are likely to want to rely on someone else to check it for you - a professional.
Examples for assurance
= schools are checked by government inspectors
= restaurants have health and safety checks
= Annual published Financial Statements are checked by external (statutory) auditors
= Company systems are checked by internal auditors.
External audit is
formal audit process of auditing financial statements prepared by directors in order to give an opinion on the true and fair view to shareholders.
The objective of external audit is
The purpose of external audit is
the delivery of confidence in financial statements to the shareholders.
The development of assurance (SG A1b)
Audit is ancient. There is evidence of audit going back to the birth of writing 5,000 years ago.
Circa 1900:
The birth of the company and the idea of compulsory audit of fs.
Circa 1980:
The development of auditing standards.
Circa 1990:
the development of those auditing standards to focus on risk.
The concepts of stewardship, agency and accountability
SG A1c
straight out of agency theory. The directors of the company are the stewards of the entity charged with giving the company direction.
But each year the directors are held accountable for their stewardship by the shareholder analysis of the company accounts.
true & fair presentation and reasonable assurance (A1d)
true is taken to mean that the numbers are
accurate within materiality and fair is taken to mean an honest and clear representation.
Reasonable assurance is often described as a high degree of confidence based on the opinion of a qualified auditor that can give no guarantees.
The objectives of an assurance engagement (A1f)
the objectives of all assurance engagements is assurance.
The purpose of all assurance engagements is
to give confidence to the principal.
The five elements of an assurance engagement (A1g)
- A subject matter.
- Three main parties:
= The responsible person
= The assurance provider
= The intended user - A report
- Standards
- The amount of checking
elements of an assurance engagement
1. A subject matter.
What is we are checking?
elements of an assurance engagement
2. Three main parties:
= The responsible person
the person preparing the subject matter being
be checked
elements of an assurance engagement
2. Three main parties:
= The assurance provider
the party who forms the opinion on the subject
matter and gives the assurance
elements of an assurance engagement
2. Three main parties:
= The intended user
the party who relies on the assurance report.
elements of an assurance engagement
3. A report
stating the assurance provider’s conclusion.
elements of an assurance engagement
4. Standards
the assurance provider doing the checks will have some
standards to check against.
elements of an assurance engagement
5. The amount of checking
The amount of checking can vary.
“positive assurance”.
If a lot of detailed checking is done, the “assurance-provider” will be able to conclude that the responsible person has done their job properly, or has not.
“negative assurance”.
If a smaller amount of checking is done, the assurance provider may only be able to report that “no errors/problems were found”, but may not feel able to confirm that there are no errors … because they have not checked enough to be sure.