Ch. 1 An Introduction to Macroeconomics Flashcards
the social science of choice
study of economics emphasizing the role of the customer, product, and/or firm
study of economics emphasizing national consumption and production, as well as international trade
any place that facilitates an exchange between buyers and sellers
what is the basic economic problem?
unlimited wants but limited resources
scarcity forces us to make decisions
opportunity cost
next best alternative foregone
what are the 4 factors of production?
all goods and services are produced from a set of these factors
land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship talent
land (N)
includes all natural resources found above, below, and/or on the earth’s surface (wind, solar, timber, oil)
capital (K)
includes any produced good that is used in the production of another good or service (hammer, phone, marker)
labor (L)
comprised of all human resources (people)
entrepreneurship talent (ET)
includes all talent involved in the creation and production of a specific good (idea, risk)
production function
y = f (N, L, K, ET)
payment of land production
rents paid on natural resources