ch 1 Flashcards
shift from institutional care in hospitals to community care
DSM is used for
describe all mental disorders and outline diagnostic criteria
managed care is used to purposely control the balance of
expenditure of funds and quality of care
a state of overall wellbeing and stability
mental health
mental illness
a behavioral or psychological pattern that causes distress or disability in an individual
psychotropic drugs effect
mood, behavior and thinking
is mental health considered lack of mental illness
no, it is a state of emotional, physical, social and psychological wellness
dynamic and ever changing due to external factors
3 purposes of DSM
- standardized nomenclature is established
- present defining characteristics that differentiate specific diagnosis
- to assist in finding the underlying causes of disorders
Aristotle and mental health
believed was determined by “humors” or the amounts of blood and bile in the body determined if mental illness was present
who created the concept of asylums in 1790s
William Tuke and philippe pinel
who opened 32 state hospitals in the US to offer asylum
dorthea dix
first drugs to be developed to treat mental illness
chlorpromazine (antipsychotic) and lithium (antimanic)
supplemental security income
mentally ill able to have source of income due to disability
__% Americans 18yr+ have a mental illness
mental illness is leading cause of disability 15-44yr in US and Canada T/F
negative side effect of deinstitutionalization
revolving door effect
do planned hospital stays contribute to the revolving door effect?
no-> pt with severe and persistent mental illness may show signs of improvement during an unplanned stay but are not stabilized when released
is funding for community health centers congruent between states
no it varies by state and areas depending on funding
medicare covers
65+ and over
medicaid covers
people with disabilities
mental health parity act
eliminated annual and lifetime dollar amounts for mental health care for companies with more than 50 employees
first American psychiatric nurse
linda richards
first psych textbook published when and by who
in 1920 by harriet bailey
nursing theorist that supported interpersonal relationships with nurse and client
nursing theorist that focused on clients psychosocial needs and strengths
june mellow
who develops standards of care for nurses
american nurses association
intense need to move about, restless movement, cannot remain still
anticholinergic side effects
cant see
cant pee
cant poop
cant spit
antipsychotic drugs used to treat psychosis
anxiolytic drugs
used to treat anxiety
black box warning
highlighted box that indicates warning about life threatening side effects
depot injection
slow release injectable form of antipsychotic medication for maintenance therapy
NT in control of movements, motivation, cognition
extrapyramidal side effect to antipsychotic meds
acute muscular stiffness, stiff tongue, in severe cases respiratory difficulties and laryngospasm
maximal therapeutic effect a drug can reach
most prevalent NT in CNS
epinephrine and norep
epinephrine plays a role in
attention, learning and memory, sleep, and mood regulation
extrapyramidal s/s
side effects of antipsychotics
snowball effect of when a minor seizure seems to build up into more frequent
kindling process
limbic system includes
mood stabilizing drugs are used for
possibly fatal reaction to antipsychotic drug
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
post injection delirium/sedation syndrome
cluster of s/s from accidental intravascular injection of alanzapine
slurr speech
altered gait
serotonin syndrome
caused by combo of serotonin enhancing drugs that will cause agitation sweating fever tachy hypotension hyperreflexia
most common combo of serotonin drugs that cause serotonin syndrome
tardive dyskinesia
late onset side effect of antipsychotic
involuntary movements such as lip smacking, tongue protrusion, chewing etc
lobe that controls organization, body movement, memories, emotions and moral behavior
frontal lobes
abnormalities in the _____ result in schizophrenia, ADHD and dementia
lobe that interprets sensations of taste and touch, assists in spatial organization
center for smell, hearing, memory and emotional expression is interpreted in what lobe
lobe that assists in coordination language, visual interpretation-depth perception