Ch 1 Flashcards
RVSM min required equipment
1 ap
2 Xponder reporting altitude (1 operative)
1 alt reporting sys
2 adc’s (air data computer)
Spoiler limitation in flight
Not to be used below:
Vref + 10
Xwind limitation 900
Good 35t/o 32 land Med/good 27 Med. 22 Med/poor. 15 Poor. 5
Xwind limitation 700
Good 28 t/o 30 land Med/good 25 Med. 20 Med/poor. 15 Poor. 5
Mzfw 900
Mlw 900
Mtow 900
37995 kg
Windshield heat off when OAT
More than 30ºc
Slat settings
1=20º 8=20º 20=20º 30=25º 45=25º
APU max operating altitude
APU max start altitude
APU max bleed air altitude
APU start cycles
Max 3 start per hour.
2 min cool down period between each attempt.
Max altitude to use APU for engine start
It is also max altitude for engine start (wind milling)
Holding speed
Flaps 0 speed + 30 KIAS
Up to and including 14 000 feet 230 1.0 minute
Above 14 000 feet 265 1.5 minute
Mmax 700
Gear speeds
Extended= 220 kts Exstention= 220 kts Retraction = 200 kts
Max tyre speeds (700 and 900)
900= 195 kts 700= 182 kts
Max Flap speed 900 and 700
900 700 1º 230 230 8º 230 230 20º 220 230 30º 185 185 45º 170 170
Engine start duty cycle on ground
1 & 2 - 90sec 10sec
3,4,5 - 90sec 5 min
Engine start duty cycle in flight
1 120sec-10sec
2,3,4,5 60sec-5 min
Max temp for t/o & land
ISA +35º
Single pack operation 900 Max altitude
Single pack operation 700 Max altitude
Max A/d press alt
T/o & landing 8000ft
Min fuel go around
272kg per wing
Flap and slat operations prohibited above?
Max fuel imbalance T/O & app; other phases
T/O 136 kg max
Other 363kg max
Min fuel feed temp
Min fuel temp in tanks
Max load for generator
15kv/a ADG
Max load for TRU
Max rwy slope
+/- 2%
Oxy deploy alt
Cabin alt warning
10000ft cabin altitude
8,6 delta p
T/O segments
1st 35ft -> gear up = any +
2nd gear up -> paa = 2,4%
3rd Paa -> clean up = any +
4th Any + -> 1500ft AAL = 1,2%
Go around minimum required climb grad
If different is pubblished on chart (different minima for different rate). Check on speed booklet Single Engine climb gradient performance.
WCA calculation
Delta hdg/wind direction +20 = %wind speed =Cwc
3º how many ft/nm
319 ft/nm
Vs descent 3º glide
1/2 gs
10% climb grad how many ft/nm
600 ft/nm = 10% climb grad
1º pitch change how vs vary?
TAS/6 x 10 = ft/min/1º pitch
Low temp ops:
Altitude correction….
-4% for each 10º below ISA = REAL ALTITUDE
Cowl anti ice on when
OAT less than +10º and visibility less than 1500mt
Wing anti ice on when?
OAT less than +5º and visibility less than 1500mt
RVSM Speed limit
M 0.82
Minimum RVR for LVTO
Min ambient temperature to start APU
-40º C
Max tail wind component for take off and landing
10 Kts
Timing for low pressure test (check valve test)
CAS should be displayed within 2 minutes.
If doesn’t 30 seconds cranking engine.
Max speed to use wiper.
Turbulence penetration speed
280 KIAS or M .75
Whichever is lower
Engine cool down period after reverser
3 minutes for Idle Reverse
5 minutes for max Reverse.
When Continuos Ignition is required?
1- Contamined RWY 2- mod or sev turbulence 3- mod or heavy precipitation 4- thunderstorm 5- wind shear
Engine warm up time.
Max 75% N1 for 2 minutes or till engine instrument are green.
AP minimum use height
600ft AGL for TAKE OFF
400ft AGL for LANDING
Engine start ITT and N2
ITT must be Below 120ºC
At 20% N2 select thrust idle
Stabilized approach criteria
SPEED: Vref+20kt -0kt PITCH: +-5º BANK: +-7º Sink rate: 1000ft/min LOC and GS: +- 1 dot
NPA: +- 5º (course)
On ground anti ice
COWL: OAT below +10ºC
WING: OAT below +5ºC
Both case visibility below 1500m or RWY contamination
Anti Ice in Flight
COWL & WING: TAT below 10ºC and SAT above -40ºC
wing only if speed below 230Kts
Cold soak engine limitations
60 sec. Motoring che king N1 rotating.
Deploy reverser till the cycle last 2second or less.
SID standard climb gradient?
If different than STD is published on chart. Check on OFP palette 2 engine operative climb gradient.
Required Landing distance DRY RWY
No call required if RWY length is more than 2000mt (for DRY) and no tail wind
Required landing distance WET RWY
ALD+40% + 15%
No call required if RWY length is more than 2500mt (for WET) and no tail wind
Required landing distance CONTAM RWY
ALD (from QRH1) + 15%
Rvsm altimeters tolerance
+/- 200ft in flight
+/-75 ft on ground
Climb speed
MSL to 10000ft, 250 kts
10000 and above, 290/0.74
0.74 to FL360
Above FL360 - 0.77
Max Lmc (last minutes change)
3 pax
1000Kg of Fuel (CRJ 900&700)
T.O. Thrust Max ITT
963º x 2 minutes
947º x 5 minutes
DAA weight
Speed and altitude for Windmilling engine Re-start
Speed= 250 KIAS Alt= below 21000 Ft
Max headwind for CAT II
Max crosswind for CAT II