Ch 1-4 Flashcards
A process by which the citizens of the world are becoming more connected and interdependent.
Two or more people or things that are dependent on each other
A member of a group we use slang.Sash dragon to a firm or belonging within a group
A metal in cell phones it holds and moves electrical signals and works in a variety of temperatures used by everyone in all devices and cars.Valuable these try to steal it putting miners lives in danger
Lubricon Cree
A group of indigenous. A war broke out and due to this, their land and rights got taken away. A deal was signed with some of the other first nations and they got left out of it to try and affirm the identity and get it back. They launched a campaign.
Crown land
Land owned by the government
Things that happen at a global level affecting things at the local level and vice versa example of this is international trade
Import something brought in export, something brought out.
Multinational corporation
A company that is based in one country while developing and manufacturing its products in more than one country
The hiring of one company by another To fulfill certain tasks in production
Media concentration
A trends that concentrates ownership , newspaper and other media in the hands of a few large corporations
Media convergence
Fers to the use of electronictechnology to integrate media.
Economies of scale
Savings that come from producing using buying things in large quantities.An example of this is costco
Erase the differences among people trend toward uniformity
Cultural changes that occur when two cultures adapt to each other’s world view
The culture.
Of a minority group disappears as its members take on the identity of the dominant culture
Accepting and creating space for one another
Canada’s forgotten people
Culture revitalization
The process of affirming and promoting individual and collective cultural identity
Point of glocal
Things happen to our community will ripple out to the world and vice versa
An example of this is the Inuit traded soapstone for wood. People want what they can’t get.
When were computers majorly improved?
Computers started to revolutionize the way information flowed development.Majorly improved during world war two.
Worldwide web
Invented in 1990.
Personal computers
Computers simple enough for one to use made in the 1970s.
James gosling
Inventor of java
Cheapest fruit sold in Canadian supermarkets. Even though they do not number, grown is greater than the demand which makes the price lower.
Largest exporter of bananas even though the workers are the worst paid in latin america And these children are unable to attend school.
Bananas in the 1990’s
European governments decided to help out former colonies after deep colonization by giving preferred treatment to Jamaica and Saint Lucia. Bananas from other countries got taxed and subjected to other strict import rules. Trade conflict said the policy was unfair. Then shakita and American company persuaded the government to take the case to WTO.
W t o
World trade organization rules that member countries get treated Equally
Getting the government on your side.
Coca colonization/cultural imperialism.
Exercise of domination in which values and practices of powerful cultures are imposed upon one or more native cultures.
Sixties scoop
In the 1960s, they took indigenous children from their home since it wasn’t deemed suitable.