Ch 1-4 Flashcards
Exam 1
What are the 3 fibrous joint types?
- Syndesmosis-ligamentous
- Synarthrosis-Sutures
- Gomphosis-Tooth
- What are the 2 types of joint accessory motions (arthrokinematic/joint surface motions)?
- Component
2. Joint play
Define component motions.
- Component movements: Involuntary motions that occur as the result of voluntary ones. i.e. mechanorotation of the tibia with knee extension/lockdown mechanism.
Define the accessory motions
1. Joint mobilization
- Manipulation
- Passive oscilatory motions or sustained stretch applied by at a slow enough speed that the individual can stop the movement. i.e. r.o.m. or pnf stretch.
- Passive movement applied with short range and a very forceful thrust that cannot be stopped.
i. e. relocating a shoulder or chiropractic manipulation.
The movement of bones around a joint. Includes Isometric,isotonic, and isokinetic exercises.
The manner in which adjoining surfaces move on each other during osteokinematic motion.
of bones in the axial skeleton
Cranial, facial,vertebral, thoracic, vertebral, other (hyoid/ossicles)
of bones in the appendicular skeleton
Thoracic bones?
12 ribs:
7 true, 3 false, 2 floating
Cranial bones? (8)
Frontal, occipital (2), temporal (2), parietal (2), sphenoid, and ethmoid.
Facial bones (14, 2 pairs, 3 of another)
14 of them
Mandible, vomer, maxillae(2), zygomatic (2), lacrimal (2), inferior concha (2), palatine (2), and nasal (2).
7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, sacrum (5), coccyx (3)
How many carpals?
How many metacarpals and metatarsals?
5 of each
How many phalanges in the toe and fingers?
14 in each
What is osteomyelitis?
Usually bacterial infection of the bone usually through a break that goes through the skin.
Types of fibrous joints?
Synarthrosis- Thin layer of fibrous periostium. ie sutures of the skull
Syndesmosis- Ligamentous joint ie distal tibio-fibular jt.
Gomphosis- bolted on tooth joint.
Tearing of the fibers of a ligament
Sprain grades 1, 2, 3
- Mild Tearing of a few fibers of a ligament. No loss of fx.
- Moderate Partial tearing of the of a ligament. Some loss of fx
- Severe Complete tearing of a ligament. Complete loss of fx.
Overstretching of a muscle or tear of the musculotendtinous juncture.
Capsular end-feel
Hard and leathery c slight give.
A joint is congruent when it is?
A joint is at maximum incongruence when it is?
What position is best for testing a joint for stability?
What position is best for joint mobilization?
Glenohumoral open-packed position?
55 dg. a24, 30dg horizontal a22
Acromioclavicular open-packecd position? Tree-hole a24
30 dg abduction of the arm.
Acromioclavicular close-packed position?
Arm at rest.
Ulnohumeral open-packed position? Macaroni heaven hole, soup bun hole
Elbow flexed to 70dg 10dg supination
Radiohumeral close-packed position? At the funny radio the macaroni line has a hole and the soup line is a behive.
90dg elbow flexion, 5dg supination
Proximal radioulnar close-packed position? hive soup
5dg supination
Pr. radioulnar open-packed position? macaroni heaven hole, soup tree hive
70dg flexion, 35dg suppination
Radiocarpal close-packed position?
Ext c ulnar deviation.
Radiocarpal open-packed position?
Neutral c slight ulnar dev,
Carpometacarpal open-packed position? Mids
Mid btwn a24/a44 and flx/ext
Carpometacarpal close-packed position? loser
Metacarpophilangeal (fingers) open-packed position? commited
Full flexion
Metacarpophilangeal (fingers) close-packed position? non commital
Slight flexion
Metacarpophilangeal (thumb) close-packed position? against
Full opposition
Metacarpophilangeal (thumb) open-packed position? non commital
slight flexion
Hip close-packed position?
Full ext and medial rotation
Hip open-packed position? 2 tree holes and rotted out
30dg flex, 30dg a24, slight lat rot
Knee close-packed position?
Full ext, lat rot of the tibia.
Knee open-packed position?
25dg flex
Talocrural close-packed position?
Max DF
Talocrural open-packed position?
10dg PF, mid btwn ever and inver
Metatarsal phalangeal open-packed position? sweden
Metatarsal phalangeal close-packed position? commited
Full ext
Interphalangeal open-packed position? non commital
Slight flex
Interphalangeal close-packed position? commited
Full ext
Define eversion/inversion
Eversion; The lifting and turning inward of the medial side of the foot.
Inversion; The raising and turning outward of the lateral side of the foot.
Linear motion?
Also called translatory; Occurs in a straight line from one location to another.
Angular motion?
Also rotory; All parts move in the same direction, through the same angle, at the same time, but not the same distance. IE elbow flexion.
Function of bone?
Support, protect, make blood cells.
What landmark of the 5th metatarsal often has a Jones fx?
The tuberacle.
Bones are made of?
1/3 Oganic matter fibrous, cartilaginous, nervous, and vascular. 2/3 inorganic osseous.
Bony lms, eminence<tuberacle?
What is the fx of a joint?
Allow motion, wb, and support.
Another word for synovial jt?
Diarthroidal jt.
3 types of cartilage?
Fibrous (disks), hyaline (articular), Elastic (ear, eustacian tube, larynx.
Bursae are filled with?
Jt limitations and their causes (3)?
MM guarding (motion stopped by pain/reflexive spasm) Spongy block (rebound effect/torn cartilage).
Define joint play?
- Joint Play: Passive movements between joint surfaces done by applying external force.
4 types of accessory motions?
component, joint play, joint mobilization, and manipulation.
Define joint mobilization?
Passive oscillatory motion, slow sustained stretch, or movement against resistance such that the joint can stop the force of resistance.