Ch 1-3 Flashcards
Describing one who incorporates both masculine and feline qualities
Individuals who accept other sex and same sex individuals as sexual partners
People with perspective that gender cannot be divorced from its context.
Cross sex typed
Condition of possessing the biological traits of one sex but exhibiting the psychological traits that correspond with the other sex
Description of traits, behaviors, or interests of the female gender role.
Belief that men and women should be treated equally.
Term used to refer to the social categories of male and female.
Gender culture
Each society’s or culture’s conceptualization of gender roles.
Gender identity/ gender role identity
ONE’s perception of oneself as psychologically male or female.
Gender role
Expectations that go along with being male or female.
Gender role attitude
One’s personal view about men and women should behave.
Individuals who prefer other sex, sexual partners.
Individuals who prefer same sex, sexual partners
Interrole conflict
Experience of conflict between expectations of two or more roles that are assumed simultaneously.
A person who is born with ambiguous genitalia
Intrarole conflict
Experience of conflict between expectations within a given role.
Description of trait, behavior, or interest assigned to the male gender role.
Persons who maintain there re important differences between the two sexes.
Persons who maintain the two sexes are fundamentally the same.
Social position accompanied by a set of norms or expectations.
Term used to refer to the biological categories of male or female.
Sex discrimination
Behavioral component of one’s attitude toward men and women that involves differential treatment of people based on their biological sex.
Affective component of one’s attitude toward sex characterized by demonstration of prejudice toward people based on their sex
Sex related behavior
Behavior that corresponds to sex but is not necessarily caused by sex
Sex stereotype/ gender role stereotype
Cognitive component of one’s attitude toward sex.
Sex typed
Condition of possessing the biological traits of one sex and exhibiting the psychological traits that correspond with the sex.
Sex typing
Acquisition of sex appropriate preferences, behaviors, skills, and self concept (i.e. the acquisition of gender roles)
Sexual orientation
Preference to have other same sex or same sex persons as sexual partners.
Descriptive term referring to an individual whose psychological sex is not congruent with biological sex.
Persons to biological sex have been changed surgically to reflect their psychological sex
Age effect
Effect due to the age of the respondent
Cohort effect
Effect due to the cohort her generation other respondent
Correlational study
Study in which one observes the relationship between two variables often at the single point in a time
Cross sectional study
Study in which the data are collected at one point in time usually from across the selection of different age groups
Information (e.g.thoughts feelings behaviors) collected for the purpose of scientific examination
Demand characteristics
The way participants of an experiment can influence the outcome of a study
Dependent variable
Variable that is expected to be influenced by manipulation of the independent variable; the effect
Basis of scientific method that involves the collection of information via one of the major senses )usually site)
Experimenter effects
Ways in which the experimenter can intentionally or unintentionally influence the results of the study
External validity
The confidence that the results from an experiment generalize to the real world
Statements made about data
Field experiments
Experiments in which the investigation is taken into the environment where the behavior to be studied naturally occurs
Prediction that are certain outcome will occur under a specific set of conditions
Independent variable
Variable manipulated during an experiment, the cause
Internal validity
The confidence that the true cause of the effect is being studied
Longitudinal study
Study in which data are collected at multiple times.
A statistical tool used to synthesize the results of a study
Negative correlation
Correlation in which the level of one variable increases and the level of the other variable decreases
Positive correlation
Correlation in which the level of both variables increase or the levels of both variables decrease at the same time
Random assignment
Method of assignment in which each participant has an equal chance of being exposed to each condition
Repetition of a study often with different measures of the independent variable and the dependent variable
Selection bias
Results of participates not being randomly sampled or being randomly assigned to condition
Social desirability response bias
A demand characteristics ways in which participants behave and experiments to give socially desirable answers
Stimulus/ target variable
Variable that can be manipulated in an experiment
Subject variable
Variable that is a permanent characteristic of the person (subject) and may affect the person’s response to another variable
Abstract generalization that provides an explanation for a set of facts