ch 1 Flashcards
source code
- Source program
- written in high level language
- consists of preprocessor directives and program statements
- program that processes statements in a C++ program that begins with #
- program that carries out preprocessor directives
program that loads an executable program into main memory
program that combines object program with other programs in the library and used in the program to create executable code
includes prewritten code
kilobyte (1024 or 2^10 bytes)
input device
device that feeds data into the computer
high level language
programming language that is similar to natural speaking languages
digital signal
represents information with a sequence of 1’s and 0’s
decimal system
base 10, number system used in daily life
program that translates high level language into machine language
- Central Processing Unit
- brain of the computer
- most expensive part of the computer
sequence of 8 bits
- rebuild
- command that does the linking on Visual C++ and Visual Studio.NET
binary digit 1 or 0
Binary digit
1 or 0 (bit)
binary code
sequence of 1’s and 0’s (binary number)
- base 2
- number system used by computers
program that translates a program Written in assembly language into an equivalent program in machine language
Application program
software program that performs a specific task
analog sygnal
continuous wave form used to represent sound
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- most commonly used in an encoding scheme
- used on personal computers
- 7bits to represent 128 characters
step by step problem solving process in which solution is found in a finite amount of time
Address (of a cell)
unique location in main memory for each cell
machine language
- sequence of 1’s and 0’s
- the language of the computer
memory cells
ordered sequence of cells in main memory
main memory
memory that is directly connected to the CPU
instruction in an easy to remember form
object program
machine language version of the high level language program
object oriented design (OOD)
program methodology that identifies components called objects, which form basis of the solution to a problem
object oriented programming (OOP)
programming language that implements OOD
operating system
monitors the overall activity of the computer and provides services
output device
device that the computer uses to display results
Random access memory
memory directly connected to the CPU
secondary storage
device that stores information permanently
structured design
act of dividing a problem into subproblems
- top down, bottom up, stepwise refinement, and modular progamming
structured programming
process of implementing a structured design
system program
program that controls the computer