CG Flashcards
What is the definition of a function?
A function f from X to Y is a relation on X and Y s.t for each x ∈ X there is exactly one y ∈ Y with (x,y) ∈ f, that is there for each x in X, there is exactly one y in Y s.t f(x) = y.
With y = f(x), what is y?
The image of x under f and the dependant variable
With y = f(x), what is x?
The independent variable
(Let f : X->Y)
What is the set X called?
The domain of f, dom(f)
(Let f : X->Y)
What is the set Y called?
The codomain of f, codom(f)
(Let f : X->Y)
How would you write the set for im(f)?
im(f) = {y∈Y : y=f(x) for some x∈X}
Another word for image?
Range, ran(f)
In terms of the set of values, describe the domain, codomain and image of f.
Domain of f = set of input values for f
Codomain of f = set of possible outputs of f
Image of f = set of values that are actually output
When is a rule well-defined or unambiguous?
Provided f(x) = f(x’) whenever x = x’
When are two functions (f and g) equal?
- dom(f) = dom(g)
- codom(f) = codom(g)
- ∀ x∈X, f(x) = g(x)
Let f : X->Y and g : Y->Z be functions. What is the composition of f and g?
The function g∘f : X->Z defined by the rule g∘f(x) = g(f(x)).
When is f the identity function on X?
If f :X->X and f(x) = x ∀x
When is f called the constant function y?
If f :X->Y and f(x) = y ∀x∈X
Let f: X->Y be a function. What is the inverse of f?
If it exists, f^-1 : Y->X with the property that
f(x) = y iff f^-1(y) = x.
Let f: X->Y be a function. When is f surjective (onto)?
iff for every y∈Y, there is at least one x∈X s.t f(x) = y.
Let f: X->Y be a function. When is f injective (one-to-one)?
iff for every y∈Y, there is at most one x∈X s.t f(x) = y.
Let f: X->Y be a function. When is f bijective?
iff f is both surjective and injective
Let f: X->Y be an injective function, if x ≠ x’, then f(x)?
Let f: X->Y be an injective function, if f(x) = f(x’), then x?
Let f: X->Y be a function. When is f onto? (relation between im and codom)
iff im(f) = codom(f)
Let f: X->Y be a function. How do you show that f is a bijection?
We must show that it is both an injection and a surjection.
Let f: X->Y be a function. What is the only condition for f to have an inverse?
f has an inverse iff it is a bijection
If f is a bijection, what is the identity function on Y?
If f is a bijection, what is the identity function on X?