CFRN Flashcards
3 things that high CO2 indicates
acid buildup
low pH
what is CO2 regulation a function of
minute ventilation (Ve) = Vt x F
base deficit >-4
need a blood transfusion
how can you use base deficit to predict need for blood transfusion
> -4 needs a blood transfusion
replacement formula for bicarbonate
0.1 x base excess x wt in kg = # bicarbonate needed
left shift affinity
mneumonic for left shift
acidosis, temp, 2,3-DPG, pCO2
mneumonic for right shift
alkalosis, temp, 2,3-DPG, pCO2
how to tell if ABG is compensated
the compensation mnechanism is the opposite of the primary problem
- R. acidosis is compensated by bicarbonate
- m. alkalosis is compensated by CO2
partially compensated
pH, resp, & metabolic are all out of range
pH, CO2 & bicarbonate are all out of range
partially compensated
fully compensated
pH is normal
CO2 & bicarbonate are out of range
pH is normal
CO2 & bicarbonate are out of range
fully compensated
critical pH for intubation
under 7.2
critical CO2 to intubate
pCO2 over 55
critical pO2 to intubate
under 60
considered lactic acidosis
over 4
acid base in hyperthermia
m. acidosis
acid base in rhabdo
m. acidosis
acid base at high altitudes
r. alkalosis
increased minute ventilation
increased to blow off CO2 (Vt x F)
every __ in pH, expect the bicarbonate to change by ___ in the ___ direction
0.15 pH
10 bicarbonate
same direction
every __ in pH, expect change in K by __ in the ___ direction
0.1 pH
K shifts 0.6
opposite direction
- as pH lowers, K shifts outside the cell giving a falsely elevated K.
- when correct imbalance by raising pH, K shifts intracellularly so life threatbning low K
every change in ___ ETCO2, expect pH to change by ___ in the ___ direction
10 mm hg
opposite direction
every change in ___ CO2 K shifts ___ in the ___ direction
10 CO2
same direction
ABG to intubate
7.2 pH
CO2 over 55
PaO2 under60
ETT size pediatrics
16 + age in years
divided by 4
3-3-2 rule
difficult airway predictor
3 in mouth
3 between jaw & hyoid
2 betweenhyoid and thyroid
Mallampati II
tonsilar pillars are hidden by tongue
Mallampati III
only the base of hte uvula is seen
difficult airway predictor hypoxemia under 93% extremes of size (under 8/obese) anatomic vomit/blood/fluid exsanguination/anemia neck mobility
failed airway algorithm
3 failed attemps,
post intubation management
SALAD technique
suction assisted laryngoscopic airway decontaminatin
*clean airway w/suction, place suction in esophagus, as the intubation tube is passed
RSI dose of paralytic if shock
double paralytic b/c low CO slows the onset
RSI pathology consideration when planning the paralytic dose
double paralytic if low CO/shock b/c low CO slows the onset
RSI dose of induction agent if in shock
1/2 induction dose
less is needed due to depletion of catacholamine stores
RSI dose if low CO/shock
- 1/2 induction dose. less is needed b/c depletion of catecholamine stores
- double the paralytic bc low CO slows onset
onset/duration of ROc
onset under 2 min
duration 30-60 min
reverses Roc
reverses Rocuronium
ABG in Malignant Hyperthermia
mixed acidosis
high RR
increased COw
DO NOT give in Malignant Hyperthermia
CaCHB b/c problem w/calcium removal from the muscle
contraindications for succ - 7
burns over 24hrs rhabdo high K crush eye injuries hx of malignant hyperthermia any nervous system injury like GB or MG
burn contraindication for succ
contraindicated if burns over 24hrs
SE of Succ
high K
malignant hypertheria
K in succ
high K
4 RSI induction
RSI & their complications
Fentanyl - chest wall rigidity, low bp
etomidate - adrenal suppression
propofol - decrease CPP/MAP so not for head injury/hemodynamically unsatable
Ketamine - preserves larungeal function os airway protection
problem of ETomidate
adrenal suppression
RSI w/adrenal suppression
RSI that decreasnes CPP/MAP
who should not get ETomidate
anyone w/adrenal suppressio
who should not get propofol
decreases CPP/MAP so not for head injury/hemodynamically unstable
RSI that decreases CPP/MAP
don’t give to head injury/hemodynamicaly unstable
RSI that shoudl not be given to head injuries
NO propofol! b/c decreases CPP/MAP
RSI that should NOT be given to hemodynamically unstable
NO propofol! decreases CPP/MAP
important things to remember w/Propofol
milk of amnesia
NO analgesiaproperties
decreases CPP/MAP so don’t give to head injury or hemodyanmically unstable
good RSI if in shock
SE of FLumazenil
low bp
position for ramping
ear to sternal notch
MacIntosh versus Miller blades
Mac = lifts epiglottis via the vallecula Miller = direct displacement of the epiglottis
preferred intubation blade for a pediatric
Miller = direct displacement of hte epiglottis
bougie size for adults versus kids
adults = 15Fr kids = 10F
confirm ETT placement -3
distal tip 2-3cm above carina
level T3-T4
visualizeing Murphy’s eye where teh clavicle meets
intubation pretreatment
airway manipulation may cause relfexive sympathetatic response so elevate vials
best RSI for asthmatics
Ketamine b/c bronchoD
onset & duration of Ketamine
onset = 40 - 60 seconds duration = 10-20 minutes
3 properties of KEtamine
common SE w/Etomiate
common to vomit when awaken
contraindications to Etomidate
don’t use if adrenal suppresision, COPD, shock, Addisons or if hemodynamically unstable
onset & duration of ETomidate
15-45 second onset
lasts 3- 12 minutes
dosing of defasciculating rx as RSI pretreatmetn
1/10 dose of Roc/Vec prior to SUcc
atropine as RSI pretreatment
prevents reflexive bradycarida in under 1yo
lidocaine as RSI pretratment
blunts the cough reflex to prevent ICP increase
when do you hear apneurisitic respirations
decerebrate posturing
irregular breathing w/pauses & apnea
quick shallow inspiration w/apnea
stroke & pressure on medulla during herniation
respirations in stroke
progressively deeper/faster then apnea
respirations in herniation
Cheyne-STokes *Cushings Triad
Biots medulla pressure
respirations in posturing
Cheyne-STokes - decorticate
apneurisitic - decerebrate
respiratory failure in ARDS
hypoxic respiratory failure
respiratory failure in pneumonia
hypoxic respiratiory failure
respiratory failure in CHF
hypoxic respiratory failure
diagnose hypoxic respiratory failure
pO2 under 60
treat hypoxic respiratory failure
increase oxygen concentration (FiO2 & PEEP)
*treatment assumes you have adequate tidal volume & rate
dx hypercarbic respiratory failure
ETCO2 over 45
ETCO2 over 45
hypercarbic respiratory failure
treatment of hypercarbic respiratory failure
increase tidal volume (pPLAT)
then rate increase
(double the minute volume (Ve - normal is 4-8L/min)
how to change Vt settings
over 8ml/kg can cause barotrauma
*slowly increae and reassess every 15min
Vt setting
4-8ml/kg of ideal body weight
pressure versus volume delivery
volume = preset volume is consistent. once Vt is reached, exhalation begins
pressure = preset inspiratory pressure. once the pressure is reached, exhalation begins
measures the pressure applied during PPV to smal airways/alveoli
*represents the end of inspiratory recoil
when is pPLAT mesured
during an inspiratory pause while on m. ventilation
ventilator setting where all aspects of the respiratory cycle are controlled & pt cannot override
controlled mandatory ventilationh
best ventilator setting for paralyzed or apneic
peferred ventilation setting for respiratory distress
Assist Control
who benefits from Assist Control
preferred ventilation setting for respiratory distress
trigger for breaths in Assist Control
pt or elapsed time
how does Assist Control work
full Vt each time regardless of if it is initiated by pt or the machine. will be supported each time
*irrespective of respiratory effort/drive
anxiety while on Assist Control
breath stacking/auto-PEEP
what ventilator setting can cause auto-peep
assist control
preferred ventilator setting for ARDS
assist control
ventilator supports every breath regardless of it is initiated by pt or the machine
Assist COntrol
problem of auto-peep
predisposes to barotrauma/hemodynamic compromise
increases WOB/effort to trigger the vnetilato
diminishes the forces generated by the respiratory muscles
how does SIMV work
if pt fails to take a breath, the ventilator will do it
*spontaneous breathing in-between breaths set to pre-set intervals
ventilator that allows pt to breathe in-between preset breaths
ventilator lets pt breathe in-between preset intervals OR ventilator supports every breath but the pt can initiate
breathe in-between = SIMV
support each time but pt can initiate= AC
no pt control, all ventilatior = CMV
who benefits from SIMV
intact respiratory drive. can take their own breathes between pre-set intervals
best ventilator setting for intact respiratory drive
how to use pressure support ventilation
makes it easier to overcome resistance of hte ET tube. often used during weaning b/c decreases WOB
good ventilator setting to help pt wean
pressure support ventilation (PSV)
good ventilator setting to help decrease WOB
Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV)
what does the pt determine in PSV
pressure support ventilation
*Vt & F
what does PSV do
pressure support ventilation
provides pressure during inspiration to decrease pt overall WOB
what does pt need to be able to do in order to use PSV
consistent vnetilation effort
pt determiens Vt, F (minute volume)(
pressure alarm if pneumo
pressure alarm if pt is hypovolemic
pressure alarm if ARDS
pt is bucking the ventilator
pt-ventilator dysynchrony
problem of pt bucking the ventilator
increased oxygen demand, WOB, vitals up. ICP up
how do you know if the pt-ventilator dyssynchrony is occurring
curare cleft
curare cleft
pt-ventilator dyssynchrony
6 ways to intervene w/pt-ventilator dyssynchrony
manage auto-peep adjust rate to pt demand adjust sensitivity/Ve suction analgesia/sedation
what settings should you look at if you have sudden acute respiratory deterioration while on m. ventilation
PIP (decrease/increase/no change)
pPLAT (no change or increased)
Ventilator Troubleshoot for acute resp deterioration
*PIP is decreased
3: air leak, hypo/hypervent
Ventilator Troubleshoot for acute resp deterioration
*no PIP change
consider PE
Ventilator Troubleshoot for acute resp deterioration
*PIP increased
next you must consider if the pPlat is increased or no change
Ventilator Troubleshoot for acute resp deterioration
- PIP increased
- pPLAT increased
abd distension atelectasis pneumo p. edema atelectasis pleural efflusion
Ventilator Troubleshoot for acute respiratory deterioration
- PIP increased
- pPLAT no change
airway obstruction
ET cuff herniation
RASS scale
richmond agitation-sedation scale
+4 = combative
0= alert/calm
-4: deeply sedated
V/Q decreased
ventilation not keeping up w/perfusion
resp fail/pneumonia/ARDS/paO2, high pCO2
formula for V/Q
alveolar ventilation/CO
low V/Q
normal V/Q
high V/Q
low: shunted. alveoli are ventilated but not perfused
A= ventilated and perfused
D= deadspace. alveoli are ventilated but not perfused
example of low V/Q
under 0.8
alveoli are perfused but not vented
ET in mainstem bronchus
V/Q if ET is in the mainstem bronchuis
low V/Q
perfusion w/o ventilation
acid-base in asthma
breathing out problem
r. acidosis b/c hypercarbic respiratory failure
CXR in asthma
flatted diaphragm
chest cavity is overexpanded due to air trapping
appearence of asthma on ETCO2
shark fin
shark fin ETCO2
ventilator intervention for asthma
increase I:E ratio to 1:4
b/c this is an exhalation problem
zero peep if possible
I:E setting on ventilator in an asthma attack
1:4 b/c this is an exhalation problem
PEEP if asthma attack
zero if possible
flattened diaphragm
chest cavity is expanded form air trapping
problem of COPD
breathing out
r. acidosis b/c hypercarbic rspiratory failure
benefit of increased I:E
more expiratory time increases CO2 clearence but it does carry a risk of atelectasis
CXR of pneumonia
patchy infiltrates
lobular consolidation
pathology of ARDS
diffuse alveolar injury
increased permeability of the alveolar-capillary barrier
influx of fluid into the alveolar space
ground glass appearence
patchy infiltrates
bilateral diffuse infiltrates
CXR shows ground glass appearence
Swan-Ganz findings in ARDS
high PAWP (18-20) b/c the right heart is pumping against the increased resistance in the lung vasculature)
consider if PAWP is high (18-20 range)
ARDS/ b/c the right heart is pumping against the increased resistance in the lung vasculature)
ARDS treatment -5
focus on oxygenation increase PEEP increase FiO2 lower Vt increase rate
PEEP setting in ARDS
minimum 5
FiO2 setting in ARDS
Vt setting in ARDS
F setting in ARDS
IBW males
50 + 2.3(hight in inches - 60)
IBW females
45.5 + 2.3(height in inches -60)
3 criteria for ARDS
- PaO2/FiO2 under 300
- bilateral infiltrates consistent w/p. edema
- no clinical evidence of left arterial HTN
what lab indicates ARDS
PaO2/FiO2 under 300
pPLAT goal in ARDS
under 30
how often should you check pPLAT if on a ventilator for ARDS
q4 hrs
after each change in PEEP/Vt
intervention for ARDS if pPLAT is over 30
decrease Vt by 1ml/steps
intervention for ARDS if pPLAT is under 25 and Vt under 6ml;kg
increase Vt by 1ml/kg until pPlat is over 25 or Vt 6ml/kg
intervention for ARDS if pPLAT is under 30 & breath stacking is occurring
increase Vt in 1mk/kg increments to 7 or 8
abnormal labs in Tylenol overdose
LFT elevated
low glucose
phosphate abnormal
acid base in ASA overdose
r. alkalosis
can progress to m. acidosis
complications of ASA overdose
liver & brain damage
hepatic encephalopathy so high ICP
s/s of BB overdose
low bp/hr conduction delays low glucose p. edema bronchospasms
s/s of CaChB overdose
low bp/hr/conduction delays
high glucose
m. acidosis
treat CaChB overdsoe
activated charcoal
EKG of digoxin overdose
slurred upstroke on QRS
risk of high K
overdose that has a slurred upstroke on the QRS
K in digoxin overdose
avoid if digoxin overdose
avoid electricity like pacing/cardioversion
s/s of DIlantin overdose
SVT coma confusion tremors DI-like
4 s/s of cocaine overdose
treat PCP
no ketamine b/c delirum worsens
treat anticholinergic
anticholinergic overdose