Cervix, vulva, vagina, cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries Flashcards
bacterial std
calymmatpbacterium donovani
viral std
HIV 1,2 HSV 1,2 chlamydia,mycoplasma chlamydia trachomatis (L), lymphogranuloma venereum c.trachomatis, ureaplasma urelyticum
other stds
oropharyngeal herpes serotype
genital, mucosal, skin HSV serotype
herpes simplex gross
red papules ➡️ vesicles, pustules, ulcers
herpes simplex histo
multinucleation molding-kissing nuclei margination inclusion bodies ground glass nuclei or perinculear halo
genital herpes s/sx
cervical and vaginal:
pelvic pain
purulent discharge
complications of genital herpes simplex
latent infection 2/3 recurrences
neonatal transmission
genital herpes simplex diagnosis
treatment for latent HSV
may shorten the length of the initial and recurrent assymptomatic phase
lymphogranuloma venereum agent
Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes L1,2,3
lymphogranuloma venereum causes
cervitis by lymphogranuloma lesion
- painless genital ulcer
- swelling of inguinal lymph nodes - stellate abscesses surrounded by epitheloid cells
- scarring in chronic cases- elephantiasis of the vulva
lymphogranuloma venereum diagnosis
Frei test - chlamydial antigen
cause of vulvar condyloma acumintatum
low risk HPV types
6, 11
42, 44
high risk HPV
16, 18
31, 33
gross HPV
papillary or cauliflower outgrowth
HPV histo
papillary overgrowth hyperkeratosis acanthosis parakeratosis hyperkeratosis koilocytic vacuolization
raisinoid nuclei and nuclear halo is seen in
cytopathic changes in pap smear of HPV inf
nuclear atypia
perinuclear halo
exfoliated squamous cells
vulvar chancre is caused by
Treponema pallidum
vulvar chancre gross
painless shallow ulcer
histo vulvar chancre
chronic inflammation
diagnosis of vulvar chancre
darkfield microscopy
silver stain
granuloma inguinale is caused by
Calymmatobcterium granulomatis
gross granuloma inguinale
painless ulcers with rolled borders and friable base- coalesce
granuloma inguinale histo
granulomatous rxn with no caseation
Donovan bodies
donovan bodies invade
cytoplasm of histiocytes
trichomoniasis agent
Trichomoniasis vaginalis
trichomoniasis lasts for
4 days to 14 weeks
trichomoniasis gross
copious purulent yellow frothy discharge
strawberry appearance
severe dilatation of mucosal vessels
strawberry cervix is seen in
crab louse infection
pediculosis pubis
main causative agent of bacterial vaginosis
Gardnerella vaginalis
Gardnerella vaginalis is a
G- coccobacilli
vaginitis or vaginosis s/sx
thin, gray fishy odor vaginal discharge
inflammation of the placenta caused by G. vaginalis
G. vaginalis histo
clue cells
- individual sq cells covered by a layer of coccobacilli along the margin
pruritus, curdlike vaginal discharge caused by disturbance in vaginal microbial system
which disease is not considered an STD?
diagnosis of candida albicans
wet KOH mount
candida albicans histo
nonseptated pseudopores or filamentous fungal hyphae in wet KOH
balls and spaghetti in microscopy is seen in
Candida albicans infection
ascending type of infection
most serious complication of gonorrhea in women
pelvic inflammatory disease
PID s/sx
pelvic pain
adnexal tenderness
causative agents of PID
Chlamydia trachomatis
Puerperal infections
GC in PID starts to appear
2-7 days after inoculation
puerperal infection microbes
Strep Staph Coliform Clostridium perfingens Enteric
most common site of Gonococcal infection
involvement of tubo-ovaria regions in PID leads to
tubo-ovarian abscess
non GC caused PID spread
uterus➡️lymphatics➡️venous channels
complications of PID
intestinal obstruction dt adhesions
infertility, ectopic pregnancy
non neoplastic epithelial disorders
bartholin duct cyst
vulvar dystrophy
Bartholin duct cysts s/sx
adenitis abscess cystic dilatation at the posterior aspecr of labium majus pain discomfort
management of bartholin duct cust
marsupialization- open permanently
bartholin glands are analogous to
Cowper’s gland
bartholin glands aka
greater vestibular glands
nonspecific inflammation characterized by white, scaly, plaquelike mucosal thickenings (leukoplakia)
vulvar dystrophy
2 categories of vulvar dystrophy
lichen sclerosis
squamous cell hyperplasia
lichen sclerosis histo (6)
thinning of epidermis disappearance of rete pegs hydropic regeneration of basal cells superficial hyperkeratosis dermal fibrosis scant perivascular mononuclear infiltrate
lichen sclerosis occurs
lichen sclerosis is common in
menopausal women
clinical manifestation of lichen sclerosis
pale gray, parchment like appearance
atrophied labia
introitus narrowed
pathogenesis of lichen sclerosis
results from rubbing or scratching from skin due to pruritus associated with cancer
squamous cell hyperplasia
squamous cell hyperplasia histo
hyperplasia of vulvar squamous epithelium
indicated in all vulvar lesions
neoplastic tumors of the vulva- glandular neoplastic lesion
papillary hidradinoma
extramammary paget’s disease
neoplastic tumors of the vulva- benign vulvar tumors
condyloma acuminatum
fibroepithelial polyp
squamous papilloma
papillary hidradenoma
neoplastic tumors of the vulva- malignant vulvar tumors
vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia VIN vulvar carcinoma vulvar scca invasive scca malignant melanoma
papillary hidradinoma involves
labia majora more than labia minora
papillary hidradinoma gross
small, well circumscribed nodules covered by normal skin
ulceration that may mimic carcinoma
papillary hidradinoma histo
similar to intraductal papilloma of the breast
- apocrine sweat glands
tubulopapillary glands lined by columnar cells and surrounded by myoepithelial cells
extramammary Paget’s disease gross
red sharply demarcated lesion on labia majora
epidermis, hair follicles, sweat glands
micropolysaccharide cells
prognosis of extramammary Paget’s disease
not considered a precancerous lesion
condyloma acuminatum
Cancer cells are confined within the basement membrane of the entire thickness of the epithelium
VIN is multicentric meaning
may involve both majora and minora
mild dysplasia
atypical proliferation <1/3
Moderate dysplasia
<2/3 of thickness
sever dysplasia in situ
entire thickness
uncommon, 3% of female genital cancers that occurs mostly in women of 60
carcinoma of the vulva
majority of vulva carcinoma are
15% of vulva carcinoma
basal cell ca
prognosis of vulva ca
65% have metastasized at time of dx
80% survival rate at lesions
1st group or basaloid or warty vulvar scca is associated with
HPV infection of high oncogenic risk, 16,18/31
1st group or basaloid or warty vulvar scca is almost always preceded by
classic VIN
1st group or basaloid or warty vulvar scca occurs in
reproductive age women
vulvar intraepithelial lesion, Bowen’s dse is characterized by
nuclear atypia
increased mitoses
lack of cellular maturation
classic VIN is analogous to
cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions
second group or keratinizing scca is associated with
vulvar dystrophy- sq cell hyperplasia
second group or keratinizing scca is preceded by
Differentiated VIN
differentiated VIN is characterized by
marked atypia of basal layer
normal maturation and diff of superficial layers
more common group of vulvar scca
second group or keratinizing scca 70%
mean age for second group or keratinizing scca
76 y/o
gene features in second group or keratinizing scca
p53 mutations
vulvar scca with worse prognosis
second group or keratinizing scca
second group or keratinizing scca histo
keratin pearls
tonguelike masses of malignant cells infiltrating the stroma
invasive scca gross
exophytic fungating mass
endophytic ulcerating lesion
invasive scca histo
keratin pearls
intercellular bridges
frank stromal invasion
incidence of malignant melanoma of vulva
5% of vulvar cancers, rare
peak incidence of malignant melanoma of the vulva
malignant melanoma of the vulva histo
round, ovoid to spindly with large nuclei
immunostain specific for melanomas
HMB. 45
congenital vagina anomalies
Garthner’s duct cysts
Mucous cyst
Vaginal atresia
Double vagina
Garthner’s duct cysts are found in
anterooateral wall of vagina following mesonephric or Wolfian duct
Garthner’s duct cysts histo
low cuboidal non mucin secreting cells devoid of cytoplasmic mucicarmine or PAS + material
which vaginal congenital anomaly is common?
Garthner’s duct cysts
cyst derived from Mullerian epithelium
Mucous cyst
total absence of vagina
vaginal atresia
failure or total closure of the Mullerian ducts
double vagina
Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia or VaIN gross
white reddish patch
VaIN histo
loss of maturation
nuclear atypia
normal and abnormal mitotic figures
primary carcinoma of the vagina is
extremely uncommon
SCCA of vagina arises from vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia which is analogous to
cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions
SCCA of vagina most commonly found in
inv upper posterior
proximal 3rd
most common malignancy of vagina is
secondary to cervical or vulvar ca
vaginal ca gross
polypoid fungating indurated ulcerated lesions
vaginal CA histo
intercellular bridges central pearl formation pigmenting stratification waxy cytoplasm
occurence of vaginal adenoca
increased frequency of vaginal adenoca in
young women whose mothers were treated with DES
possible precursor of vaginal adenoca
vaginal adenosis
prognosis of vaginal adenoca
good upon surgery and radiation
vaginal adeno ca histo
clear cells of vacuolated, glycogen containing cells
very uncommon vaginal tumor seen in infants and children under 5
embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma or
sarcoma botryoides
sarcoma botryoides gross
soft, gray, tan, nodular tumors
polypoid lesions like a bunch of grapes
sarcoma botryoides histo
small round to spindle cells with cytoplasmic extensions from one end (tennis racket)
abundant pink cytoplasms
subepithelial dense zone in sarcoma botryoides
cambium layer
most cervical lesions are
site where most cervical lesions arise
acute and chronic cervicitis is common in
multiparous and nulliparous women
pathogenesis of acute and chronic cervicitis
glucogenated sq cells provide a substrate for endo bacteria causing acidic pH
lactobacilli produce
lactic acid to make pH of vagina less than 4.5
h2o2- bacteriotoxic
clinical manifestations of cervicitis
thick purulent discharge
fishy odor
diagnosis of cervicitis
clinical evaluation
pap smear
replacement of mucus endocervical glands by stratified sq epithelium
squamous metaplasia of the endocervix