Cervical Spine Flashcards
What is Cervical Distraction Test?
- Place one hand under chin and other around occiput
- Slowly lift patient’s head
Positive -> pain is relieved or decreased
What are the findings for cervical distraction test?
- compressed nerve root - relief with neural foramen opening = cervical radiculopathy
- facet joint pathology - decreased when lifted = cervical degenerative joint disease
what is spurling’s or foraminal compression test?
Press straight down on head in 3 stages with
both hands – if symptoms produced do not move
to next stage
Stage 1 – head in neutral
Stage 2 – head in extension
Stage 3 – head in extension and rotation
Positive => pain radiates to arm toward head is flexed
during compression
what are the finding for spurling’s or foraminal compression test?
- facet joint pathology - narrows IVF to increase pain = cervical degenerative joint disease
- compressed nerve root with compression = cervical radiculopathy
what is maximal foraminal compression test
- Patient extends, laterally flexes and rotates to
same side - Examiner compresses head in this position
Positive => pain radiating to arm
what are the findings for maximal foraminal compression test
Concave side pain → nerve root or facet joint
pathology = Cervical degenerative joint disease
Convex side pain → muscle strain
what is the valsalva test
Patient holds breath and bears down as if having
a bowel movement
Positive => pain in cervical spine or dermatome related
to cervical spine injury secondary to increased pressure
what are the findings for valsalva test
Space occupying lesion (herniated disc, tumour)
is present in cervical canal => Cervical radiculopathy
what is the shoulder depression test
Examiner side flexes patient’s head to one side
and applies downward pressure on opposite
Positive => increased pain to either side
what are the findings for shoulder depression test?
- Pain to compressed side → compression of
nerve roots OR foraminal encroachment
(osteophytes) - Pain to stretched side → adhesions around dural
sleeves of nerve on stretched side
what is the vertebral artery test?
Patient supine, examiner passively places head
and neck into extension and side flexion
Once in position, examiner rotates neck to same
side and holds for 30s
Positive finding => dizziness or nystagmus
what are the findings for vertebral artery test?
Vertebral artery compression
what is Chvostek’s test?
Testing for CN7 nerve injury that often refers
pain to TMJ
Examiner taps on parotid gland and observe
Positive => facial muscles twitch due to tapping
what are the findings for Chvostek’s test
CN7 palsy or injury
Low blood calcium
what is Jaw reflex
Patient gently opens mouth while examiner
places thumb on chin
Examiner uses reflex hammer to tap thumb
Normal reflex is closing of mouth (stretch reflex
of masseter and temporalis muscles)
Positive => absence of hyperactivity; loss of jaw reflex
what are the findings for jaw reflex
CN5 injury – if absent
UMN lesion – is brisk
what is soto-hall test?
- Patient lying supine with legs straight
- Actively flex neck by putting chin to chest
Positive => lightening like pain
what are the findings for soto-hall test?
Dural or meningeal irritation in cervical spine
what is the Brachial Stretch/Upper Limb Tension Test
ULTT – median nerve dominant => radicular pain to
median nerve distribution C6 and C7
ULTT – radial nerve dominant => radicular pain to
radial nerve distribution C6 and C7
ULTT – ulnar nerve dominant => radicular pain along
ulnar nerve distribution C8 and T1
what are the findings for brachial stretch/upper limb tension test?
irritation or compression of nerve roots = cervical radiculopathy
what are the special test for Cervical degenerative joint disease (CJD)?
- cervical compression test
- cervical distraction test
- spurling’s or maximal compression test
what are the special test for cervical radiculopathy?
- valsalva
- cervical compression test
- cervical distraction test
- brachial stretch test
Other conditions that could be that need to be ruled out by doing special test
TMJ syndrome