Cervical manipulation Flashcards
what is a tribonucleation
describes the formation of vapour and gas bubbles withing the fluid thru a local reduction in pressure
when the low pressure eaualizes with the higher pressure an adible pressure wave is created
-cavitation is a collapse of a bubble
what has been found to reduce the refractory period bw pops
applying compression to the jt.
what were the specificity and sensitivity of finding congenital block vert
98% specificity
74% sensitivity
are there any gold standards to determine smt thrust loc in cervical spine
does endplay restriction contribute to same day neck pain and stiffness outcomes
-thus decreased pain may not be associated with motion restrictions
best evidence things to use to find site of care
tenderness orthotests ROM mackenzie painfull arch prone instability
what has some evidence for determining site of care
static/mot palp
leg length inequality
Clinical prediction rules for LBP SMT and how many do u need to raise it to 95%
4 to reach 95%
- Segmental hypomobility, pain
- Acute onset <16days
- no pain distal to knee
- at least 1 hip int rot > 35deg
- Low fear avoidence beliefs score FABQ<19
what is the small clinical prediction rule for LBP (and what percentage will u capture that responds well)
- duration<16days
- No symptoms distal to knee
4 predictors of stabalization excersice regime
- age <40
- Avergae SLR >91
- Abberant movement present
- Positive prone intability test
Clininical prediction rules to diagnose cervical radiculopathy (how many do u need)
- Pos spurlings
- Pos neck distraction
- Pos upper n tension test (median)
- less than 60 rot
3/4 present 94 specificity
Clinical predication rules to identidy immediate response to cerv mapip
Inital NDI <11.5 Bilat involvment pattern No sedentary work >5h Feel better while moving neck not feeling worsse when extending neck diagnosis of spondylosis
CPR to identidy neck pain likely to respond to thoracic manip
Symptoms <30 days No symps distal to shoulder Looking up doesnt aggrevate symptoms FABDQp <12 Diminished upper thoracic kyphosis cervical ext <30
where does gapping occur in CS manipulation in relation to rot and flex
Gapping occurs on the contralat side to flex and ipsilat to rot