cervical ROM
⦁ Flexion (80-90)
⦁ Extension (70)
⦁ Lateral bending (20-45)
⦁ Rotation (70-90)
- 50% of rotation in cervical spine is C1/C2
- problems with C5/C6 won’t cause as many issues with cervical motion as upper cervical vertebrae
- skin -
⦁ looking for any previous cervical incisions (lots are done on the front - horizontal) or in the back are more vertical incisions - Cervical point tenderness -
⦁ where are they tender - lots of trigger points for cervical spine - like the trapezium or upper/mid back (myofascial pain syndrome) - Muscle spasms -
Thoracic spine held very stable by the
rib cage
SENSORY TESTING - cervical spine
⦁ lateral upper arm = C5 ⦁ lateral forearm / thumb = C6 ⦁ middle finger = C7 ⦁ ulnar border of hand / little finger = C8 ⦁ medial forearm = T1 ⦁ medial upper arm = T2
MUSCLE STRENGTH - cervical spine
⦁ Deltoids (C5) ⦁ Biceps (C5,C6) ⦁ Wrist extension (C6,C7) ⦁ Wrist flexors (C7) ⦁ Triceps (C7) ⦁ Finger extension (C7) ⦁ Finger flexion (C8) ⦁ Intrinsics (T1)
REFLEXES - cervical spine
⦁ Biceps = C5
⦁ Brachioradialis = C6
⦁ Triceps = C7
⦁ Tinel’s - elbow
⦁ Tinel’s - wrist
⦁ Phalens
Most common reason for ulnar palsy = radiculopathy of the ulnar nerve at the elbow
Always make sure to examine the ________ when evaluating a cervical problem as they can mask each other
SHOULDER EXAM - cervical spine
- Always make sure to examine the shoulder when evaluating a cervical problem as they can mask each other
- Flexion / extension
- Internal /external rotation
- Abduction / adduction
- Supraspinatus – thumb down with arm straight out in front (Empty Can Test)
- Subscapularis – push off on internal rotation (belly compression or lift off test)
upper motor neuron tests - cervical spine
o Hoffman’s test = flick ring finger while hand is relaxed, and watch for the index finger / thumb to trigger
o Cross Finger = check the brachioradialis reflex and watch for the index finger to trigger
o Clonus = with patient relaxed = dorsiflex the foot and feel for the foot to jerk (count how many times it beats)
o Babinski’s = run the pointed end of reflex hummar along plantar aspect of the foot and watch for the toes to go up or down
SPECIAL TESTS - cervical spine
o Spurlings Test = extension and lateral side bending of head –> radicular symptoms
o Axial Loading = compression directly down on crown of head –> radicular symptoms
o Lehrmitte’s sign = flexion of cervical spine causes electrical shocks down the spine
test for nerve impingement - cervical spine
spurling & axial load
tests for cord compression - cervical spine
lehrmitte (stenosis, tumor, MS, disc impingement)
PINCH & GRIP STRENGTH - cervical spine
⦁ trial of 3x - take average
⦁ compare right side grip strength to left side grip strength
⦁ dynamometer
⦁ pinch - between index & thumb
⦁ grip - arm out straight in front of the patient and then grip
- walk normally - check for trendelenburg gait (hip drops - due to glut weakness) and check for antalgic gait (limited weight bearing on affected leg due to pain)
- tip toe walking
- heel walking