Certification Test Questions Flashcards
Where does the home item for your site is defined
a: Web.Config
b: Sitecore.config
c: Layers.config
d: App.config
Answer: b
How do you retrieve your site’s start item location?
a: Sitecore.Context.Site.StartPath;
b: Sitecore.Context.Site.root
c: Sitecore.Context.Site.PathStart
d: Sitecore.Context.Site.rootPath
Answer: a
How do you install a Sitecore package?
a: Control Panel > Administration > Install a Package
b: Marketing Panel > Administration > Install a Package
c: Dashboard > Administration > Install a Package
d: Administration > Install a Package
Answer: a
What’s the default base template for all templates?
a: Standard Template
b: Base Template
c: Standard Values
d: Template
Answer: a
How can you extend the Sitecore Framework?
a: Packages
b: Module
c: Update Package
d: Using SDK
Answer: a,b,c
Sitecore Rocks plugin for visual studio can be used to perform which tasks
a: Manage Packages
b: Create Anti-Package for undo functionality
c: Create Items
d: Create Templates
e: All of the above
Answer: e
What is an Anti-Package?
a: Helps you create a package with an option to roll back the changes
b: Helps you to import and delete the existing files
c: Helps you to export the package
d: None of the above
Answer: a
The Sitecore Package Designer helps you to
a: Add Items statically or dynamically
b: Sets installation options
c: Remove packages
d: None of the above
Answer: a,b
How can you install a package in Sitecore?
a: Installation Wizard
b: Sitecore Rocks
c: Control Panel
d: None of the above
Answer: a,b,c
Where is the default site configuration located?
a: /app_config/Sitecore.config under site
b: /app_config/Layer.config
c: /config/sitecore.config under site
d: Web.config under site
Answer: a
What static class contains the information about the current HTTP request and your site installation?
a: Sitecore.Context
b: Sitecore.Kernel
c: Sitecore.MVC
d: Sitecore.Presentation
Answer: a
Where the Home page or start item for your site is defined in the Sitecore.config?
a: Rootpath
b: Start item
c: Rootpath and Startitem
d: Site node
Answer: c
How can you retrieve your site’s start item location programmatically?
String startPath = Sitecore.Context.Site.StartPath;
Item Homepage = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(startPath);
String startPath = Sitecore.Context.Site.rootPath;
Item Homepage = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(rootPath);
String startPath = Sitecore.Context.Site.path;
Item Homepage = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(path);
String startPath = Sitecore.Context.Site.rootpath;
Item Homepage = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(rootpath);
Answer: a
What’s the path of the Single website and Home Item?
a: /Sitecore/Content/Home
b: /Sitecore/Home
c: /Sitecore/Item/Home
d: /inetpub/wwroot/Web/Home
Answer: a
What’s the recommended practices for a multisite implementation?
a: Creating a folder for each site
b: Ensuring that each site folder has its own Home item
c: Storing shared content outside of each site folder
d: All of the above
Answer: d