Certification Test Flashcards
Red Hat-based systems use what package file format and what management tools?
The package file format is rpm.
The package management tool is yum (or dnf, in the case of Fedora).
What command could you use to create a new empty directory named “Test” in your current working directory?
mkdir Test
The CentOS Linux distribution is based on what other distribution?
Red Hat
NGINX and Apache are two common open-source ___ _______.
Web servers
What is the difference between permissive and copyleft?
Copyleft is more restrictive in terms of licensing derivative works.
Would you use a standard release or a rolling release distribution for an enterprise Linux server installation?
What would the following line do if placed in a shell script?
rm -rf *
Nothing — it’s a comment ;-)
What does FLOSS stand for?
Free Libre Open-Source Software
What does ‘cloud_user@ip-10-0-1-10 $’ in the console mean?
The user cloud_user is logged into the host ip-10-0-1-10, and the shell is running with normal user privileges ($) and ready for commands.
What command could you use to reference the documentation of a CLI utility?
man or info, followed by the utility name
To what variable would you add the path to a shell script so you could execute it without referencing the path?
What source does a Linux distribution typically use for installations?
The distribution’s software repository.
Does the useradd command create the home directory by default?
useradd merely sets the home directory in /etc/passwd; it doesn’t create it by default.
What command could you use to display command history?
What provides the basic utilities expected to exist on an operating system?
The GNU Core utilities
What can dpkg-based systems use for package management?
What is the basic format of a for loop?
Which utility can be used to search for a pattern or string?
Which utility can be used to count the number of words in a file?
What is the basic format of an if statement?
if [ SOME_TEST ]
How is Linux provisioned in the cloud?
Through the Linux images supplied by the cloud provider.
What command would you use to open the info page for ls?
info ls
What command would you use to see all of the contents (but not ownership, permissions, ., or ..) of /tmp?
ls -A /tmp
How can a regular user elevate permissions for a particular command (if granted the ability in the /etc/sudoers file)?
What do we call the collection of data centers that provide compute, application, and storage services over the internet?
The cloud!
GPL is an example of what type of license?
How could you hide the file “file” from being shown in a directory listing?
Change it to .file
Which utilities can be used to print the contents of a file to the screen?
What method/protocol do we use to securely connect to a remote Linux server?
SSH (Secure Shell)
An IP address can be assigned as static or ____.
Would you use Samba or NFS to share files with Windows users?
Samba. (Samba is a file sharing service that uses CIFS for compatibility with Windows devices.)
What command could you use to create a new empty file named “file1” in your current working directory?
touch file1
What happens to a symbolic link if the target file is moved or deleted?
Nothing; the link persists but the old destination is no longer reachable.
What command(s) could you use to view all running processes?
ps aux
ps -eF
(lots of other options)
What command could you use to create a new directory called “Test” in the /tmp folder?
mkdir /tmp/Test
What commands could you use to resolve www.example.com to an IP address?
host www.example.com
dig www.example.com
What directory’s contents are cleared upon system boot?
Shell scripts start with what sequence?
Name two popular open-source web servers.
Is ../../tmp a relative or absolute path?
What is a PID?
A PID is a process ID and is an integer.
Which utility (by default) displays the last 10 lines of its input?
When a symbolic link’s target is deleted, the link…
stays but no longer works.
Does everyone have execute permission on a file if it is given 755 permissions?
Yes, 755 is rwxr-xr-x.
What open-source application might you use for a presentation?
Impress (OpenOffice or LibreOffice)
What can rpm-based systems use for package management?
What would you type to save and quit a file that is open in vim?
Raspberry Pi is what type of Linux system?
What would the following command do to the file archive.tar in your current working directory?
tar xvf archive.tar
tar xvf will extract (verbosely) the file archive.tar
What command could you use to view motherboard information?
What utility can you preface a command with to execute with elevated privileges?
What does FSF stand for?
Free Software Foundation
How is Linux installed in a virtualized environment?
Typically through conventional means, from installation media onto the abstracted bare metal.
For a user to be able to enter a directory, what level of access must they have?
The Linux kernel, GNU core, X server, and GUI comprise a Linux ____________.
The X server and GUI are optional.
What command would you use to list all files in a directory and nothing else
ls -a
What happens to files in /var/tmp upon system boot?
Nothing. The contents of /tmp are cleared upon system boot, but the contents of /var/tmp are not.
What command could you use to unpack ./archive.tar?
tar xf ./archive.tar
What environment variable is used for the shell prompt?
When an open-source license is written such that any derivative works must use the same license, we call this ________.
In what folder will you find system logs?
What would you use GIMP for?
Drawing and image editing
All shell scripts start with what two characters?
The shebang: #!
Where did MariaDB come from, and what is it?
MariaDB was forked from MySQL as a database server application.
What command could you use to remove all files starting with the text “file_” from the /tmp directory?
rm /tmp/file_*
What is the difference between a system user and a regular user?
Apart from system users having a lower UID, system users normally don’t have a login shell.
What command will create the user ‘tester’ and the home directory at the same time with defaults
useradd -m tester
What do permissions of 644 mean?
User: Read and write
Group: Read
Everyone: Read
What are OwnCloud and NextCloud?
OwnCloud and NextCloud are open-source cloud applications that function like DropBox.
What command could you use to unpack the gzip-compressed archive ./archive.tgz?
tar xzf ./archive.tgz
What is a popular open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation?
How might you prevent a browser from storing cookies and caching user data?
Use the browser’s private mode.
What command could you use to view kernel messages?
What commands could you use to see the group membership of the user cloud_user?
groups cloud_user
id cloud_user
cat /etc/group | grep cloud_user
Unity, GNOME, and KDE are all examples of what?
Linux desktop environments
What is the passwd command used for?
passwd is used for changing passwords and locking accounts.
What command would you use to print the current working directory to the screen?
What option would you use with ls to show permissions and ownership?
When a symbolic link’s target is moved, the link…
stays but no longer works.
What is the name of a popular open-source web browser?
Debian-based systems use what package file format and what management tools?
The package file format is dpkg.
The package management tool is apt.
What command would you use to open the man page for ls?
man ls
Root always has a UID of what?
What will the following command do to the existing file “file1” in your current working directory?
echo “” > file1
It will replace it with an empty file. To append to a file, you would want to use»_space;.
What are some common open-source programming languages?
C Java Javascript Perl Python PHP
In what root-level directory would you find folders for every running PID on the system?
Open-source licensing and freedom (in terms of both use and cost) are permitting Linux to grow rapidly in the _____ and in ______________.
Cloud and virtualization
What command(s) could you use to view your IP address?
ip addr show
nmcli (if running NetworkManager)
Which utility (by default) displays the first 10 lines of its input?
When one open-source project is copied to form a new parallel project, we call that _______.
What regular expression symbol would you use to match zero or one character?
? will match zero or one of the preceding characters.
“Ap?le” would match “Ale” but not “Apple” (two p’s). “App?le” would match “Apple”.
What does the following command do?
ip route show
‘ip route show’ displays the routing table.
What is the PATH environment variable used for?
The PATH variable is the list of directories the shell will search for executables.
What option would you use with the passwd command to lock an account?
What is the philosophical difference between OSI and FSF?
The FSF focuses on the ethics and rights restrictions of the software license over the practical benefits of the software itself.
What Linux distribution serves as the foundation for Ubuntu?
Which came first, OpenOffice or LibreOffice?
LibreOffice is a fork of OpenOffice; OpenOffice came first.
What command would you use to delete the user ‘tester’?
userdel tester
What command(s) could you use to create a new and empty file named “newfile” in the current working directory?
touch newfile
echo “” > newfile
What is the UID of the root user?
What file could you edit to map IP addresses to host names?
What command could you use to view information about the system’s processor?
cat /proc/cpuinfo
What is the default interpreter used on most Linux systems?
Bash (Bourne-Again Shell
Are user passwords stored in /etc/passwd?
No. The hashes are stored in /etc/shadow.
What is the purpose of a free-software license?
To establish the terms of modification and redistribution.
What is the exit code of a command that ran successfully?