Certification Exam Review Pt.1 Flashcards
the beginning of a word
Palpation is done by:
feeling with part of the hand
Group Coverage
an insurance contract written for a company for its employee
Purpose of aging the accounts receivable
used to identify past due accounts for collections
Patient complains of chest pain and collapses, what should you do?
make sure the patient is breathless and pulseless before administering CPR
Renal Failure
critical illness resulting in the sudden cessation of Kidney function
first 2 months of the unborn child
Spina Bifida
congenital defect consisting of the absence of vertebral arch of the spinal column
new growth
subdivision of the brain that consists of medulla, pons, and mid-brain
located:between the spinal cord and the cerebrum
The word name nephron means
When can an MA give an injection?
only on the orders of the physician
Patient calls the office and states they have received a blunt injury to the eye, you should?
order them to come in as soon as possible to have the eye checked
condition characterized by frequent liquid stools
medical care for retired military or their dependents or active military personnel
Cardiac Cycle
one complete heartbeat, combining the contraction and relaxation phase
seizure disorder affecting 1 to 2 % of the pop and is associated with electrical impulses from the neurons of the brain
high blood pressure
is a visible swelling of a thyroid gland
Gram Stain
most common bacteriologic stain
person incapable of forming melanin
abbreviation for three times a day
Gall Bladder
small sac attached to the underside of the liver and stores bile
Most common combining form
opposite of superficial
What is done to the first drop of blood in a finger puncture?
wiped away
ending of a word
Frontal Bone
bone forms the forehead and bony sockets which contains the eyes
What type of insurance does a 68 year old have?
collar bone, a slender bone, one on each side of the body, connects the breastbone to each shoulder
Substance used to prevent x-ray exposure
Fats are also called
Hydrochloric acid
substance provided by the stomach, necessary for digestion of food
recurrence of symptoms
smallest blood vessel
if poor records are kept and a physician fails to report all income or deductions correctly to the IRS he is open to a charge of
prediction of outcomes
drugs used to prevent the clotting of blood
gradually developing cloudiness of the lens, occurring most frequently in persons over 70 year of age
Electrocardiograph (ECG)
a device to monitor electrical heart activity
agent which excites and promotes functional activity
Intradermal injections are usually given..
for allergy testing
Branch of medicine which uses radionuclides in the diagnosis and treatment of a disease
What is the latest date an employer may give the employee they w-2 form?
By January 31st
a small sample of tissue is taken from the body and sent to a clinical lab to be examined or studied
When are patients most cooperative?
when they know the procedure to be done
Good sources of Vitamin C
Citrus fruits
What does a glucose tolerance test for?
sugar metabolism
Where does the digestion of fats occur?
small intestine
incorrect information given than may injure the reputation of another