Certain Slant of Light Flashcards
Voice’s despair and hopelessness as she considers life. Internal conflict considering religion and her perspective of the world.
There’s a certain Slant of light,/
Winter Afternoons -
blinding; - METAPHOR for how individuals often can’t see truth with clarity.
‘Slant’ cuts through the clouds. BIBLICAL ALLUSION, religious
subtext and show that the individual is trying to bring definition to their sense of spirituality
That oppresses like the Heft/ Of Cathedral Tunes -
‘Oppresses’, bearing down from the sky in a heavy, domineering way. Unusual PERSPECTIVE on light, reveals author’s negative outlook
SIMILE adds in the idea of the deep, heavy sound of religious music. Shows the intensity with which the narrator feels the crushing emotions of desolation and despair.
“heft” - HYPERBOLIC, large irremovable weight
Heavenly Hurt, it gives us -/ We can find no scar
OXYMORON ‘Heavenly Hurt’, - life brings suffering, but worth trying to find ‘Meanings’, Heaven is meant to bring peace, not suffering
“us” - universal pain and suffering at questions
‘no scar’ - internal, emotional and psychological turmoil, the effects of which cannot be seen
None may teach it - Any -
ABSOLUTE language and CAESURA emphasises only certainty of how each individual has to struggle with their internal thoughts and emotions on their own as everyone is different and this evokes the theme of isolation
Tis the Seal Despair - /An imperial affliction
Biblical IMAGERY, reflecting inevitability and inescapable nature of her pain. Suffering bound to happen. CAPITALISED. This is done in order to accentuate their significance and importance
When it comes, the Landsape listens - /
Shadows - hold their breath -
‘Landscape’ and ‘Shadows’ are capitalized, PERSONIFICATION shows that nature as a whole, as well as the individual, is affected by the pervasive sense of despair.
CAESURA, emulates own author’s apprehension, forcing reader to tensely breathe
On the look of Death -
”-“ unfinished, no resolution. Dashes, which both arrest the flow of language and suggest that much is left unsaid as the narrator struggles to order their thoughts and feelings
Structure 1
HYMN FORM, regular stanza lengths, asserts religious subtext. The melodious and rhythm is broken by the extensive PARENTHESIS, showing her internal conflict and seeking of Reconciliation.
Structure 2
IMAGERY of the oppressive light START
METAPHOR of darkness and ‘Death’. END
This STRUCTURE suggests that struggle, despair and isolation are ever present throughout life, ending only with death. No other escape is given
Structure 3
Lack of FULL-STOPS means no conclusions and finality to her questions. Dickens never concludes her internal conflict.