Cert Test 2 Flashcards
What are the 3 types of spines?
Normal - Abnormal
Abnormal - Abnormal
What is a normal spine?
This is the ideal spine. You will see the four normal curves when looking at a lateral x-ray and no curves when looking at an A-P x-ray.
What is a normal - abnormal spine?
This is when you have a normal spine that has been subluxated once and the body is compensating correctly. Such as when you have a whiplash injury and C5 causes compensation of the spine.
What is an abnormal - abnormal spine?
This spine already had a previous subluxation and endures yet another type of trauma. This is the patient who has been under non-specific care or in multiple accidents. This patient could potentially take a long time to correct.
Which techniques does PRS utilize?
5th Cervical Key Logan Basic - level foundation HIO Technique - instrumentation Thompson Technique - leg checks Biomechanics Nimmo
Ideal time frame for DTG using infared
20 seconds
Tytron uses ___ to measure heat and the ideal time frame is ___
it is actually distance dependent
Normal skin temperature reading for either one?
Goals of instrumentation?
To get rid of cold spots
Get the line as straight as possible
Atlas differential as close to 0 as possible
To establish patient’s pattern
What is the 65% category?
These are “easy” because it does not matter what you do for this patient, their symptoms will get better. However, these symptoms will come and go unless the actual problem is addressed. Ex. 30 yr. old with low back pain
What is the 30% category?
This is the group of people who were in the 65% category but did not get their problems corrected. You CAN reverse these problems and change this person’s life. Ex. 45 yr. old with diabetes
What is the 5% category?
Everyone eventually ends up in this category. This is when someone is near death and you cannot reverse their problems anymore, but you can still relief some symptoms and make them more comfortable. Ex. Cancer Patient
Which cervical rules trump ALL rules?
Spinous Rule
IVF Rule
Name all Cervical Rules
I Stand Alone Kink Rule IVF Rule Spinous Rule Joint Space Rule Arthritis Rule Mate Rule Majority Rule Fly - Shit - in pepper Rule
On a neutral lateral film if there is a closed “IVF” at C5/C6, what subluxation would you expect?
On an flexion view, with a completely open “IVF” between C5/C6, what subluxation would you expect?
Completely open IVF indicates movement - no subluxation
In a flexion view, if the spinous’ of C5 and C6 remain approximated, you would adjust?
What is the ideal skin temperature of the body?
Who did Dr. Pierce Sr collaborate with in making the DTG?
Dr. Stillwagon
What does DTG stand for?
Increase in parasympathetic response indicates ____ reading?
Increase in sympathetic response indicates _____ reading?
Does PRS use break or pattern analysis?
Is the Tyrtron TIME or DISTANCE sensitive/dependent?
Is the DTG TIIME or DISTANCE sensitive/dependent?
Tytron is distance; DTG is time
What is considered a significant atlas temperature difference?
0.8 F ….. 0.5 C
List examples of conditions that can lead to a bad or altered thermal instrument reading?
Bra-strap Coffee Jewelry Wet hair Hair Exercise Alcohol Seat Warmers Smoking
PI stands for?
Partial Involvement
Patient education extends from where to where?
Post ANT tubercle —> anterior portion of T2
George’s line should be a ____ line on the back of the VBs
Name the atlas angles:
Inferior (-) < 0 Inferior 0-18 Normal / Superior 18-24 Superior (+) 24-30 Superior (++) >30
Normal Z angle
What does the Z angle tell you?
Line of Drive
Potential for Normal
KYPHOTIC neck: atlas and white horn angle??
Atlas: Inferior
WH: Negative
C2 LORDOTIC neck: atlas and white horn angle??
Atlas: Superior + / ++
WH: Positive
What injury is typical of a Kyphotic neck?
Car accident; Whiplash
What injury is typical of a C2 Lordotic neck?
Hyperextension; Birth
What injury is typical of a C3 Lordotic neck?
Head trauma
C3 LORDOTIC neck: atlas and white horn angle??
Atlas: normal / inferior
WH: normal / negative