cerebral cortex Flashcards
how thick is the cerebral cortex and how many neurons are within the cortex
2-4 mm thick (grey matter)
approximately 10-15 billion cells
what is the name of the primitive cortex
allocortex and has <6 layers
the neocortex
is the post-primative cortex and has 6 layers
what are the names of the 6 layers of the neocortex
the first two layers (molecular and external granular) are collectively called the supragranular cortex
the second two layers (external pyramidal and internal granular) are collectively called the granular layer
the third bi-layer (internal pyramidal and mutliform) is collectively called the infragranular layer
the cortical layers that have output to the association and other cortical area are
supragranular and layer III
input from the thalamus and other cortical areas occurs in which layer of the neocortex
layer IV (4)
output from the neocortex to the basal ganglia, brainstem, spinal cord occurs in which layer
layer V (5)
the final layer of the neocortex is called multiform and project cortical output to which location?
the thalamus
Brodman devised the cytoarchitectual map of the neocortex, Brodman area 4 and 3,2,1 respresent?
4 = M1 (primary motor cortex) 3,2,1 = primary sensory cortex
Primary cortical areas control
simple movement and sensation
Association cortices
perform higher order processing, deficits of which lead to complex phenomenon (alien hands)
The primary visual cortex
receives visual information
The superior and lateral visual association areas help process which aspects of vision
the superior (parieto-occiptal area) - analyses spatial infromation and movements (the where association cortex)
the lateral (occipito-temporal area) - analyses the colour and form of visual information (the what association cortex)
What are the three main types of white matter pathways?
- association fibres (one cortical region to another)
- commisural fibres (cross the corpus callosum - interhemispheric communication of cortices)
- projection fibres (project out of the brain)
What are the main cerebral functions of the following brain areas? frontal temporal occiptal parietal limbic
frontal - movement (RIO = restraint, initiative and order ie complex cognitive (personality) functions) parietal - sensation temporal - hearing and memory occiptial - sight/vision limbic - emotions, drive