Cerebellum [3] Flashcards
- Source of input
- where is output going
- info/fxn being carried?
- where do input/outputs cross midline?
Cerebellum lab
Cerebellar deficits: 1 of 3 possible
- equilibrium
- tone
- synergy
(no loss of sensation or muscle strength)
Major cerebellar inputs
- inferior and middle peduncles
- superior peduncle
Flocculonodular lobe, aka
- receives input from vestibular organs
- outputs to vestibular nucleus in brainstem
Paleocerebellum aka
spinocerebellum( vermal and paravermal cortex) - midportion of the anterior and posterior lobe
- recieves input from spinal afferents
- outputs onto motor control nuclei
neocerebellum aka
- lateral lobes or hemispheres
Efferents from the vermis project to ___
Efferents from the paravermis project to ____
Efferents from the cerebrocerebellum (lat hemis) to ___
fastigial nucleus
interposed nucleus (red nucleus via IN)
Afferents to the vermis arise from ____
Afferents to the paravermis arise from ____
Afferents to the cerebrocerebellum (lat hemis) arise from ____
multiple sources
spinal cord
pontine gray matter
All cerebellar regions (vermis, paravermis, cerebrocerebellum) receive climbing fiber innervation from the _________
contralateral inferior olivary nucleus
fastigial nucleus → vermis involved in control of what?
axial/core musculature
integration of head/eye movements
interposed nucleus → paravermis involved in control of what?
fine tunes movement of limbs
distal muscles
dentate → lateral hemispheres involved in control of what?
higher level coordination of mvements
- finger nose fingerVO
__________ supplies innervation/connections to the flocculo-nodular lobe
vestibular nucleus of the brain (insteadof the deep nuclei like vermis, paravermis, and lateral hemis)
_________ supplies the major output pathways of the cerebellum.
deep nuclei (fastigial nucleus interposed nucleus dentate)
fastigial nucleus sends info to which structures?
- vestibular nucleus → vestibulospinal tract
- pontine reticular formation → pontine reticulospinal tract