Cerebellum Flashcards
What is the role of the Cerebellum ?
It plays a role in sensorimotor integration. In feed-forward control it participates in pre-programming of voluntary movement. In feedback control it evaluates disparities between intention and action. When an error is detected, the cerebellar output modulates descending motor systems to influence muscle tone.
When is cerebellum activated the most ?
During the performance of a new action or during more complex actions which can cause more errors.
Which type of error is preferable during cerebellar motor learning ?
Small error
What are the global fonctions of the cerebellum ?
- control of movement
- prediction of movement
- timing of movement
- coordination of balance information, sensory information and motor plan
- works in anticipation of sensory consequences after movement
What are the functions of the Cerebellum linked to balance
- Eye stability control
- Online and adaptative control of eye movement
- Control of balance and equilibrium
What are the motor functions of cerebellum
- inter limb coordination
- intra limb coordination
- muscular tone control
- control of speech
- cortico motor excitability
- control of grip force
- interaction in visuokinesthetic
- perception of hand movement
What are the sensorymotor functions of the cerebellum
- sensorimotor synchronization
- proprioception
What is the pathway linking cerebellum to vestibular system, shortly describe it.
- vestibulo cerebellar pathway
- semi circular canals -> vestibular nerve -> cerebellum
Which part of the cerebellum are connected to the spinal cord ?
- anterior lobe
- vermis
- paravermis
Name the three lobes of the cerebellum ?
- anterior lobe
- floculonodural lobe
- posterior lobe
Which input is recieved by the floculonodular lobe ?
Info from the inner ear about balance
Which part of the Cerebellum recieved proprioceptive input ?
Cerebellar cortex
Which structures make the connexion between cerebellum and pons ?
Cerebellar pedoncules (superior, middle, inferior)
In case of MS which part of the cerebellum is mostly affected ?
- arbor vitae
Name the deep cerebellar nuclei
- Fastigial nucleus
- Interposed nuclei (emboliform and globose nuclei)
- Dentate nucleus
What are the signs of cerebellar ataxia ?
- trunk muscle weakness
- lack of stability/ extension in the trunk, hips and lower limb.
- fixation of eyes (= cannot move eyes according to trunk and head position)
- cerebellar tremor (action tremor)
- impossibility to detect distance between 2 points
- lack of coordination
Which cranial nerves are responsible for free eye navigation ?
- occulomotor
- Trochlear
- Abducens
Which pathway is responsible for the head proprioception to cerebellum ?
- trigeminal nerve