Cereal grain technology Flashcards
What are the three types of grains?
Cereals (monocot)
Oilseeds (Dicot)
Pulses (Dicot)
What is the most widely grown Cereal in Canada
What is the most widely grown Oilseed in canada?
What is the most widely grown Pulses in canada?
Within the Kernel of a cereal grain, what are the three compartments?
- The Bran
- The endosperm
- The germ
What protects the Kernel?
The hull/husk
What is the Bran rich in?
Dietary fibers
How much corn is grown in canada?
8-9 million metric tons
Where is the majority of the nutrients within Cereal grains?
The endosperm
how do starch exist?
In a round, granular like format
What surrounds the starch within the cereal endosprem?
The protein matrix
What is within the Cottyledon if Oilseeds?
The oils of the oil seed
Side 18, what are the patches seen in the cell
The oil dropplets.
Aleurone layer
One cell layers that presents a rounded endosperm layer that has the ability to secrete enzymes within cereal grains.
The germ will do what to trigger root growth?
Hormones from the germ will go into the Aleurone and begin triggering the endosperm to break down starch into smaller sugars to be used to make roots.
Is there a Aleurone layer within oil seeds?
The aleuorne grains within these grains are just storage units
What is the highest starch containing cereal?
One of the soluable fibers that is very important for heart health.
What are the two major cereal grains that contain beta-glucan?
Barley and Oats
Soy beans are not Pulses due too….
The fact that they have too much oil and too little starch to be considered pulses.
Why are pulses so important?
Pulses are part of a healthy, balanced diet
and have been shown to have an
important role in preventing illnesses such
as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
Why are pulses so important?
Pulses are part of a healthy, balanced diet
and have been shown to have an
important role in preventing illnesses such
as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
Starch is a Bio_____
One of the leanest starch molecules
polymer of glucose
thus is branched
Can be Amylose or Amylopactin
Glyco means…
Glyco means…