Central Nervous System Drugs Flashcards
Falling asleep during normal waking activities
drugs used for psychiatric disorders, relief of pain, suppression of seizures, and production of anesthesia
CNS Drugs
First-line drug that is converted and activates dopamine receptor
For partial seizures and generalized tonic-clonic
Phenytoin therapeutic level
state in which discontinuation of drug use will precipitate a withdrawal syndrome
physical dependence
Impedes the entry of drugs into the brain
blood brain barrier
group of disorders characterized by excessive excitability of neurons in CNS
treatment for narcolepsy
Drugs deployed in Parkinson’s disease
Dopaminergic Drugs and Anticholinergic Drugs
Dopaminergic drugs adverse effect
Orthostatic hypotension
decreased response occurring in the course of prolonged drug use
Slow progressive neurodegenerative disorders characterized by tremor, rigidity, postural inability, and slow movement
Parkinson’s Disease
Caused by withdrawing from a substance they are physically dependent
Abstinence syndrome
CNS stimulant that stimulates release of NE and DA from the brain and SNS