Central And Peripheral Arterial System Flashcards
The aortic arch branches into what?
Innominate/ brachiocephalic artery
Left common carotid art
Left subclavian art
The innom art divides into what?
rt Subcl and rt cca
The innominate/ Brachiocephalic art arises on?
the right only, its the first branch off the aortic arch
What is the second branch off the aortic arch?
left common carotid artery
What is the first branch off the arotic arch?
innominate aka brachiocephalic art
What is the third branch off the aortic arch?
left subclavian artery
when does the left subclavian artery terminate?
at the thoracic outlet
The subclavian artery becomes what?
what are the branches off the subclavian art?
vertebral, thyrocervical, internal thoracic and costocervical arteries
the axillary arty becomes the?
brachial artery
where does the brachial artery end?
1 cm beyoned the bend of the elbow
What does the brachial artery divide into?
radial and ulnar arteries
what is the triangular region located anterior to and below the elbow called?
Antecubital fossa
What originates from the brachial artery and travels down the lateral side of the forearm into the hand?
Radial artery
The radial artery gives off a branch in the hand to form the
superficial palmar arch and terminated in the deep palmar arch of the hand
how does radial artery terminate in the deep palmar arch of the hand?
by joining the deep branch of the ulnar artery
what originates from the brachial artery and travels down the medial side of the forearm?
ulnar artery
the ulnar artery gives off to what? and terminates where?
the deep palmar branch and terminates in the superficial palmar arch
the superficial palmar arch is also know as?
volar arch
what does the superficial palmar arch consist of?
distal portion of the ulnar artery as it continues into the hand and a branch of the radial artery
the deep palmar arch consists of what?
the deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery and the distal portion of the radial artery
the deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery and the distal portion of the radial artery makes up what?
Deep palmar arch
distal portion of the ulnar artery as it continues into the hand and a branch of the radial artery
superficial palmar arch
What arises from the palmar arches, extends into the fingers and toes, divides into lateral and medial branches?
digital arteries
the ascending aorta arises from where?
left ventrical
What are the two branches of the ascending aorta?
rt and lt coronary arteries
aortic arch is formed by the? and gives off three branches what are they?
ascending aorta. innominante aka brachiocephalic, left common carotid and left subclavian arteries
the _______ extends downward from the aortic arch to just above the diaphragm
descending thoracic aorta
What are the visceral branches of the abdominal ao?
celiac art, superior mesenteric art, renal arts, inferior mesenteric art
What feeds the stomach, liver. panc, duodenum, and spleen?
celiac artery
What are the branches off the celiac trunk?
splenic, left gastric and common hepatic arteries
what feeds the small intestine, cecum, ascending colon and part of the transvers colon?
superior mesenteric artery aka sma
What supplies the blood to the kidneys, suprarenal glands and ureters?
renal arteries
what is the landmark for locating the left renal artery?
the left renal vein which crosses the aorta anteriorly and is positioned superior to the artery
what is the landmark for locating the rt renal artery?
it courses under/ posterior to the IVC
what supplies the left half of the transverse colon, descending, iliac and sigmoid colon and part of the rectum?
inferior mesenteric artery aka IMA
What are the major parietal branches of the abd ao?
inferior phrenic art, lumbar arts, middle sacral art
How does the abdominal ao terminate?
rt and left common iliac arteries
The common iliacs carry blood to where?
pelvis, abd wall and lower limbs
the common iliac arteries divide into what?
internal ( hypogastric) and external iliac arteries
What is another name for internal iliac arteries?
hypogastric arteries
at what level do the internal and external iliac arteries divide?
level of the lumbosacral junction
the hypogastric arteries aka? divide into what two vessels?
internal iliac arteries, anterior and poster
the anterio rand posterior internal iliac arteries supply arterial flow to which regions?
pelvic wall, gluteal muscle, pelvic viscera, thigh and perineum
the _______ artieries are essentially continuations of the common iliac arts
external iliac arteries
the external iliac arteries travles______ and _____ along the medial side of the psoas major muscle
lateral and inferior
When the external iliac arteries pass under the inguinal ligament it becomes what?
common femoral artery
the ________ artery arises from the external iliac just above the inguinal ligament
inferior epigastric artery
the common femoral artery divides into what?
superficial femoral artery and deep femoral artery ( profunda femoris)
The deep femoral artery is also known as?
profunda femoris
the landmark for the point at which the femoral artery becomes the popliteal artery is called what? 2 names
hunters canal or adductor canal
the ________ is the distal continuation of the superficial femoral artery
popliteal artery
What is the first branch off the distal pop art?
anterior tibial art
after arising from the distal pop artery the anterior tibial art (ATA) passes _______ to the ______ membrane and runs deep in the front of the leg along the ___________ surface of the __________ membrane
superficial to the interosseous
anterior interosseous
at the distal end of the anterior tibial artery once is passes in front of the ankle joint it becomes what?
dorsalis pedis artery (DPA)
the dorsalis pedis artery forms which two branches?
the first dorsal metatarsal and the deep plantar arteries
The deep plantar artery unites with what? and completes what?
lateral plantar artery to complete the plantar arch of the foot
What is the second branch of the distal pop art?
the tibioperoneal trunk
the tibiorperoneal trunk gives rise to what?
posterior tibial and peroneal arteries
the tibioperoneal trunk has also been called what?
proximal portion of the posterior tibial artery
The __________ extends down the posterior and medial side of the leg
posterior tibial artery
The posterior tibial artery divides into what?
the medial and lateral plantar arteries in the foot
the ________ artery arises at the distal end of the tibiorperoneal trunk along with the posterior tibial artery
peroneal artery
the peroneal artery pass toward the fibula and travels down the _______ side of that bone to supply structure in the ________ side of the leg and in the _______ region of the foot.
Medial ,lateral, calcaneal
___________ consists of the deep plantar artery and the lateral plantar artery and the dorsal metatarsal
plantar arch
the plantar arch consists of what?
the deep plantar artery, the lateral plantar artery and the dorsal metatarsal
what distributes blood to the digits in the foot?
The plantar arch
_______ are vessels of the microcirculation
What is the flow quality in the capillaries?
steady with low flow
what are the walls made of in the capillaries?
endothelial cells, forming a layer one cell thich
capillaries are supplied by the _______?
The capillaries transport what?
nutrients and gases
arteries decrease in size from largest to smallest. what is the largest? smallest?
aorta to the arterioles
what are considered to be resistance vessels?
arterioles help to regulate what?
blood flow by contracting and relaxing
through the walls of the capillaries what is exchanges between tissue and blood to maintain the constancy of internal environment
nutrients and waste
what is the function of the artery?
transport blood gases, nutrients, essential substances away from the heart and out to the tissue
what are the layers of the arterial wall?
tunica intima, tunica media and tunica externa
the innermost layer of the arterial wall is what?
tunica intima
what does the tunica intima consist of?
surface layer of smooth endothelium over a base membrane and connective tissue
what is the intermediate layer of the arterial wall?
tunica media
what is the tunica media compose of?
smooth muscle and connective tissue.. the elastic type
what is the outer layer of the arterial wall?
tunica externa aka adventitia
what is another name for tunica externa
tunica adventitia
what does the tunica adventitia consist of?
it is thinner that the media and contains white fibrous connective tissue, smooth muscle all arranged longitudinally
the adventitial layer usually contains what?
vasa vasorum
what is vasa vasorum?
vessels that carry blood to the walls of the larger arteries