Census Flashcards
What is the Samsung Tablet Number?
What do you say as part of a Non-response follow up?
Hello I’m from Stats NZ
I’m here to follow up because our records indicate we are missing responses from this address for the 2018 Census.
It’s not too late to participate.
Was there anyone at this address on census night, Tuesday 6 March 2018?
Has everyone who was at this address on Census night completed the 2018 Census either online or using a paper forms pack?
Under the Statistics Act 1975 everyone who was in New Zealand on Census day, Tuesday 6 March 2018, must take part in the Census. Your response is important because the data we collect is used to make informed decisions and plan services that work for your community.
What do you say as part of a non-response follow up if forms have been completed?
Thank you – your responses will help the government, councils, iwi, businesses and community groups all over New Zealand to make informed decisions and plan services that work for your community.
What do you say if it’s a case of issuing new paper forms?
I can issue you with a new form pack. Are you able to fill it out now and I can pop back to pick it up shortly.
Samsung 2?
Collect Forms Cue Card
I’m here to collect your census materials. Our records show you have requested forms to be collected. Is this correct?
Is there an individual form for everyone that was here on Census night?
Thank you for your time and effort.
Deliver Census Materials
Hi I’m __________ from Stats NZ
I’m here to deliver your Census materials. Our records show you have requested paper froms, is this correct?
This pack includes
• A unique access code to complete the Census online.
• Paper forms and a free post envelope
• Frequently asked questions
• Guide notes on how to complete the Census
• Contact details if you need help or want to find out more.
Scan the document (ID) on the term pack and additional loose forms required.
Thank you for your time and effort.
Returned mail
Hi I’m __________ from Stats NZ
I’m here to deliver your Census materials. Our records sho we haven’t yet provided this address with any Census materials.
This pack includes information on how to participate in the Census. This pack includes
This pack includes
• A unique access code to complete the Census online.
• Paper forms and a free post envelope
• Frequently asked questions
• Guide notes on how to complete the Census
• Contact details if you need help or want to find out more.
We appreciate your participation. Thank you for your time and effort.
Validate address cue card
Hi I’m _________ from Stats NZ
I’m checking the address to make sure the correct mailing address for the properties that we send Census materials to
Check the addrss you have on your list
Confirm the correct address and subtype
Add any missing additional private dwellings to your address list
We appreciate your participation. Thank you for your time and effort.
In what order should you do workloads?
You should complete ALL priority 1 workloads before stating on priority 2 workloads
How are workloads prioritised in NRFU?
Workloads are prioritised to indicate the order they must be completed
What should you do for workloads on day 1?
On day 1 complete your priority 1 workloads
If you finish all your priority 1 workloads on Day 1, start on priority 2 workloads.
Every day during stay 1 you should start with new daily workloads.
How often do I sync my work in TrAK during NRFU?
During NRFU you need to ‘sync workloads’ after every workload you complete.
What do you do if the respondent is being visited but has already completed their census forms?
Although we make every effort to process completed responses as promptly as possible, the volume can sometimes cause delays
Can you please tell me how you completed the Census?
Then select either – Contact advised Completed – Online or Contact Advised Completed – Paper
What is FAR?
Field assisted response
What should you be mindful of with respect to FAR?
That FAR can take 15 – 30 minutes. Make the respondent aware of this before beginning
What should you never do even if invited?
Enter the dwelling.
When issuing a Census Pack, what must you record?
The document ID
How do you record the document ID when issuing a Census Pack?
Scan the Census Pack.
After scanning – check the correct QR bar code is showing in TrAK.
You can type in the document ID if you are struggling to get the barcode to scan accurately.
When asking questions from the Census form can you change the wording from that on the Census form?
No, you must read the questions as written on the Census form.
If a respondent has questions, what can you use to provide assistance?
The guide notes inside the Census pack.
If the guide notes inside the Census pack don’t help what can you call?
The public help line 0800-236-787.
In Stage 1, should you issue a new Census Pack if you don’t make contact?
In Stage 1, what should you do concerning Census packs?
Issue a new Census pack whether or not you make contact, unless the respondent says they still have the original material.
How are public toilets relevant to planning?
You can’t enter anyone’s home under any circumstances.
What is the earliest you can sync each morning?
7 am
What are the instructions concerning notes?
For small changes, make yourself. For large changes ring the field staff helpline.
What is an example of a major change in the notes section which would require ringing the field staff helpline?
Empty section found as part of non-response follow up.
What should you do if the person says someone else has never received the Census?
Call the Census Helpline. Can’t enter details yourself as not on your workload and not bale to register.
Where there are difficulties with a person responding to the Census?
Ask whether there is anyone who helps them with tasks?
If a pack is accidentally put in a letter box without being scanned
Scan another pack and request that the other pack be discarded.
How does a unit note differ from a task note?
A unit note is used for notes about he property. All other notes are task notes.
Remember never go beyond the ____________.
Scan in a _______ place
Careful with ____________ of people as could be used in court.
____________can be removed if no longer applicable
Unit notes
Do not open more than one workload at a time unless _____________ in a couple of hours
returning to the property