Cengage Chapter 8 - Recovering Graphic Files Flashcards
Collections of dots, or pixels, in a grid format that form a graphic.
bitmap images
The process of recovering file fragments that are scattered across a disk.
The process of coding data from a larger form to a smaller form.
data compression
The process of converting raw picture data to another format, such as JPEG or TIF.
A file format the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) developed as a standard for storing metadata in JPEG and TIF files.
Exchangeable Image File (Exif)
A guideline that describes the free use of copyrighted material for news reports, critiques, noncommercial use, and educational purposes.
fair use
The results of keyword searches that contain the correct match but aren’t relevant to the investigation.
false positives
The lowest bit value in a byte. In Microsoft OSs, bits are displayed from right to left, so the rightmost bit is the LSB. OSs that read bits from right to left are called “little endian.” OSs that display the LSB from left to right are called “big endian.”
least significant bit (LSB)
A compression method in which no data is lost. With this type of compression, a large file can be compressed to take up less space and then uncompressed without any loss of information.
lossless compression
A compression method that permanently discards bits of information in a file. The removed bits of information reduce image quality.
lossy compression
Graphics files that are combinations of bitmap and vector images. See also bitmap images and vector graphics.
metafile graphics
The highest bit value in a byte.
most significant bit (MSB)
Less common graphics file formats, including proprietary formats, newer formats, formats that most image viewers don’t recognize, and old or obsolete formats.
nonstandard graphics file formats
Small dots used to create images; the term comes from “picture element.”
Collections of pixels stored in rows rather than a grid, as with bitmap images, to make graphics easier to print; usually created when a vector graphic is converted to a bitmap image
raster images
A file format typically found on higher-end digital cameras; the camera performs no enhancement processing—hence the term “raw.” This format maintains the best picture quality, but because it’s a proprietary format, not all image viewers can display it.
raw file format
The density of pixels displayed onscreen, which governs image quality.
Another term for carving, used outside North America. See carving.
Common graphics file formats that most graphics programs and image viewers can open.
standard graphics file formats
Graphics based on mathematical instructions to form lines, curves, text, and other geometric shapes.
vector graphics
A form of compression that uses an algorithm similar to rounding off decimal values to eliminate unnecessary bits of data.
vector quantization (VQ)