CeMAP1 Mock 1 Flashcards
When recommending a product to a client, it is reasonable for the adviser to: A. avoid details which fall outside the interests of the client. B. focus only on the features applicable to the client. C. only make direct comparisons with other product types which may interest the client. D. use industry recognized terminology at every opportunity.
A Unit 1; 4 4.1
Brian is reviewing a range of investment products before selecting the most appropriate solution for his client, Claire. Which factor is he least likely to take into account when selecting an appropriate solution? A. Claire’s desire to access her investments in five years to purchase a timeshare in Portugal. B. Claire’s existing portfolio of investment products. C. The fact that she has recently moved into a higher rate tax bracket. D. The possibility of Claire getting married in the future and having children.
D Unit 1; 4 3
What is the advantage of including benefit statements when making a product presentation to a client? A. It enables the adviser to focus on the sale rather than client queries. B. It enables the client to better understand how the product will meet his needs. C. It ensures that all point-of-sale FSA regulatory requirements are met. D. It ensures that the client understands the risks involved with the product.
B Unit 1; 4 4.1
Martin has set up a trust fund for the benefit of his three grandchildren and has appointed two trustees with discretion to exercise their powers. In these circumstances: A. both trustees must agree before exercising their discretionary powers. B. Martin is known as a testator and the grandchildren as beneficiaries. C. the Trustee Act 2000 requires the grandchildren to obtain advice when reviewing investments. D. the trustees have no legal interest in the trust property.
A Unit 1; 6 1.2
Where a person with a valid will dies, the insurer will determine the identity of the personal representatives by: A. obtaining a copy of the grant of letters of administration. B. obtaining a copy of the grant of probate. C. requesting a certified copy of the will. D. requesting a signed declaration from the solicitor.
B Unit 1; 6 1.1
The basis of ‘utmost good faith’ is that: A. all life assurance contracts are based on anticipated financial loss. B. companies base their underwriting on the information provided, rather than prejudice. C. the insurer is legally obliged to manage the client’s money in an ethically and legally sound manner. D. the proposer must declare all material facts to the insurer.
D Unit 1; 6 2
When acting as the agent of a principal, it is a fundamental rule that: A. an agent can conclude contracts on behalf of the principal. B. an agent must act within his apparent authority. C. a principal is always responsible for the acts of the agent. D. a principal must ratify the acts of his agent.
A Unit 1; 6 3
Walter and Winnie own their house on a joint tenants basis. If Walter dies: A. his share of the property will pass automatically to Winnie. B. his share will pass to whoever is nominated in his will. C. Winnie will need to purchase Walter’s share of the property. D. Winnie will own 50% of the property but retain an interest in the other 50%.
A Unit 1; 6 4.1
In relation to power of attorney arrangements, which statement is correct? A. an enduring power of attorney can be agreed on a verbal basis between donor and donee but ordinary power of attorney must be registered at the Public Trust Office. B. an enduring power of attorney can be revoked at any time by the donor whereas an ordinary power of attorney can only be revoked by the Court of Protection. C. an ordinary power of attorney becomes invalid if the donor becomes mentally incapable, whereas an enduring power of attorney remains effective. D. an ordinary power of attorney remains valid if the donor becomes mentally incapable whereas an enduring power of attorney becomes invalid.
C Unit 1; 6 5
When must the Financial Services Authority (FSA) report on its performance? A. Until May 2005. B. Until May 2006. C. Until May 2007. D. Until May 2008.
A Unit 1: 6 6
Tony, who is aged 79, has started to receive a small state pension. Which one of the following sources of income will result in him becoming a higher rate taxpayer? A. All earned income. B. An educational grant. C. Any earned income that exceeds his personal allowance. D. A settlement from his parents.
C Unit 1; 1 3.3.2
A 5% withdrawal from a with-profits bond which has grown by 7.5% in value would result in a net withdrawal of: A. £330.00. B. £333.33. C. £375.00. D. £387.00.
B Unit 1; 1 3,3.2
John has a tax liability for the 2004/05 fiscal year of £4,500 on an earned income of £18,000. What is the significance of this information? A. He has six months from the end of the fiscal year to settle his tax liability. B. He must settle his tax liability before 6 April following the end of the fiscal year. C. His liability to tax in that fiscal year is based on £18,000. D. His liability to tax in the following fiscal year is based on £18,000.
C Unit 1; 1 3,3.2
Fred and Doris both qualify for the age-related tax allowance. What is the key feature of Fred and Doris’ entitlement? A. Both also qualify for State disability benefits. B. Doris was born in 1936, and Fred two years earlier. C. Fred is a starting rate taxpayer, and Doris pays no tax. D. Their joint savings are below the £3,000 threshold.
B Unit 1; 1 3.3,2
A person is a UK domicile. Which of the following assets would be liable to UK inheritance tax on death? A. A piece of personal jewellery valued at £20,000. B. A Spanish property used for holiday visits. C. Euros held for use on foreign holidays. D. Shares purchased on the UK stock market.
C Unit 1; 1 3.3.4
Which one of the following factors directly affects the amount of taper relief that can be used to reduce a capital gains tax liability on the disposal of a chargeable asset? A. The annual exemption allowance. B. The number of years for which the asset has been held. C. The rate at which capital gains tax is payable. D. The Retail Prices Index.
B Unit 1; 1 3.3.4
In the calculation of capital gains tax liability, what are ‘allowable deductions’? A. Costs incurred in acquiring, enhancing and disposing of an asset. B. Government fixed allowances dependent on how long the asset is held. C. The annual exemption limit and the indexation allowance. D. The annual exemption limit and the taper relief.
A Unit 1; 1 3.3.4
When shares are purchased using a telephone share-dealing service, the: A. buyer pays the stamp duty reserve tax based on the market value. B. owner of the shares must be a stockbroker. C. share transfer can be registered before the documents are stamped. D. transaction has been completed orally so no stamp duty reserve tax is payable.
A Unit 1: 1 3.3.7
The profits of a sole trader are subject to which classes of National Insurance contributions? A. Classes 1 and 4. B. Classes 2 and 4. C. Classes 2 and 3. D. Classes 3 and 4.
B Unit 1; 1 3.3.3
Mandy is pregnant with her second baby. She has been a self-employed graphic designer since the birth of her child two years ago. What benefit may Mandy be able to claim before her baby is born? A. Child Benefit. B. Income Support. C. Maternity Allowance. D. Statutory Maternity Pay.
C Unit 1; 1 3.5.2 2
For an investment to grow in real terms it must increase in value: A. after allowing dealing costs. B. at a rate greater than inflation. C. at regular intervals. D. in line with national average earnings.
B Unit 1; 5.4.1
Dick and Margaret have had their mortgage for two years and are concerned because during that period, interest rates have fallen but their monthly payment to the lender has remained the same. Which type of mortgage do they have? A. A base rate tracker. B. A capped rate. C. A discount rate. D. A fixed rate.
D Unit 1; 3 5.1.3 3
Financial intermediaries can provide maturity transformation because they: A. aggregate many small deposits from a large number of clients. B. offer a wide range of deposit accounts to a wide range of depositors. C. provide services to clients from many different geographical locations. D. reduce the risk of default or fraud by lending to a wide variety of borrowers.
B Unit 1; 1.1.1
A key difference between a mutual organization and a proprietary organization is that a mutual organization: A. can issue shares on the stock market. B. is only allowed to lend to other financial institutions. C. is owned by members not shareholders. D. shares its profits in the form of dividends.
C Unit 1; 1.2.2
Which of the following is a mutual organization? A. Bank. B. Friendly Society. C. Insurance company. D. Stock brokers.
B Unit 1; 1.2.2
What is the role of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee? A. To set capital adequacy levels. B. To set inflation targets. C. To set interest rates. D. To veto undesirable takeovers.
C Unit 1; 1.2.1
Which one of the following would be regarded as an advantage of an ordinary building society savings account? A. A high rate of interest reflecting the risks involved. B. A tax-free return but no guarantee of performance. C. Regular interest repayments and security of capital. D. The potential for capital growth with little risk.
C Unit 1; 2.1.2
Jon has invested in short-dated gilts. This means that: A. he is unable to access his capital until the end of the fixed term. B. payment of interest is net of UK basic rate tax. C. the interest will be paid at the end of the fixed term. D. they will be redeemed on a date within the next five years.
D Unit 1; 2.2
Between how many years (minimum and maximum) has the term to run before redemption for a medium-dated gilt? A. Three and five years. B. Five and ten years. C. Five and 15 years. D. Ten and 15 years.
C Unit 1; 2.2
If Helen invests in shares which are quoted in the Alternative Investment Market, her shares: A. are likely to be in new, small companies with growth potential. B. have a minimum guaranteed capital value. C. must be held by her for at least one year before they can be sold. D. will provide a fixed income for the first five years.
A Unit 1; 2.3.1
Which one of the following types of share is a convertible? A. Cumulative. B. Ordinary. C. Preference. D. Redeemable.
C Unit 1; 2.3.2
. James has a residential property from which he generates a rental income. When he has to pay tax on the income he can: A. deduct certain expenses to reduce the tax due. B. defer payment of any tax until the property is sold. C. offset any income tax due against any fall in the capital value of the property. D. opt to pay a flat rate of tax on the gross income.
A Unit 1; 2.4.1
. The Easy Access Savings Account is subject to a minimum balance of: A. nil. B. £50. C. £100. D. £150.
C Unit 1;
. The principle difference between corporate bonds and gilts is that corporate bonds: A. are available for larger amounts. B. are considered to be higher risk investments. C. normally have no specified redemption date. D. usually pay variable rate interest.
B Unit 1; 2.2.4
. A key difference between a debenture and a loan stock issued by a company is that a debenture: A. can be converted to ordinary shares in the company. B. holder has the right to vote at the company’s annual general meeting. C. is usually secured on the assets of the company. D. pays a fixed rate of interest.
C Unit 1; 2.3.3
. Why would an investor be interested in holding warrants issued by a company? A. If the price of the shares has increased at the time a warrant is exercisable, the holder will make a profit on their sale. B. If the value of the connected shares falls, the investor can claim a loss that can be offset against capital gains made elsewhere. C. Investors can receive dividends without having to make any capital outlay. D. Investors can receive shares without having to make any capital outlay.
A Unit 1; 3.4
. Why does an investment in a collective investment scheme carry reduced risk when compared with direct investment in equities? A. Because collective investment schemes invest in a large number of different companies. B. Because fund managers can negotiate higher dividend payments. C. Collective investment schemes invest in equities that are not normally available to individual investors. D. Collective investments must guarantee, as a minimum, the return of capital invested.
A Unit 1; 3.2
. Which one of the following is true in relation to the manager of an investment trust? A. He can borrow to improve capital and income growth. B. He can cancel units if the fund value falls sharply. C. He can issue more units or repurchase units according to demand. D. He cannot borrow funds.
A Unit 1; 3.2.2
. The responsibility for payment of capital gains tax on unit trust proceeds lies with the: A. fund managers. B. trustees. C. unit holder. D. unit trust company.
C Unit 1; 2
. Under the terms of a split-capital investment trust, what minimum percentage of the income generated by the portfolio is allocated to the income shares? A. 85%. B. 90%. C. 95%. D. 100%.
D Unit 1;
. Chris has entered into a forward contract for a commodity. This means that he: A. can trade his derivative on the open market at any time prior to the forward contract’s specified date. B. has an obligation to trade in the commodity at the agreed time and price. C. is able to purchase a call option at a fixed price on the contract date. D. will be able to choose whether to exercise his option to trade in the commodity at the fixed price and time, or let the contract lapse.
B Unit 1; 3.4
. Which one of the following is a feature of a repayment mortgage? A. Repayments will be fixed throughout the term of the mortgage. B. The borrower will have to take out an investment policy to cover the shortfall at the end of the mortgage. C. The capital amount does not reduce over the term of the mortgage. D. The capital and interest payment proportions change over the term of the mortgage.
D Unit 1; 1
. Which of the following is true in relation to re-mortgages and second mortgages? A. A re-mortgage is an additional loan from a new lender. B. A re-mortgage is a way of lender charging a higher interest rate. C. A second mortgage increases the loan from the same lender. D. A second mortgage is an additional loan from a new lender.
D Unit 1;
. Jon, a computer technician, hurts one hand causing lasting damage and has to be re-employed at a lower salary. What effect would his return to work have on his permanent health insurance benefits? A. Proportionate benefit may be paid until retirement. B. Proportionate benefit would be paid but no other claims under the policy would be met. C. They may continue at the same level until retirement. D. They would automatically cease immediately.
A Unit 1; 2
. Which one of the following investments carries the highest risk? A. A building society notice account. B. A cash mini-ISA. C. A short-dated gilt-edged security. D. A unit trust.
D Unit 1;
. Which one of the following would not be eligible to effect a personal pension plan? A. A controlling director of an investment company. B. A director in non-pensionable employment taxed under Schedule E. C. Any employee in an occupational scheme that only provides death in service benefits. D. A proprietor or partner in non-pensionable employment, taxed under Schedule D.
A Unit 1; 3.6.2
. The main advantage of writing a life assurance policy in trust is to: A. create a tax-exempt fund. B. ensure the policy obtains qualifying status. C. increase personal allowances. D. ‘ring-fence’ the proceeds outside the individual’s estate.
D Unit 1; 6.1.2
. When completing a fact find in respect of a client, which one of the following is a fundamental consideration that should always be taken into account? A. Attitude to risk. B. Employment details. C. Levels of indebtedness. D. Mortgage arrangements.
A Unit 1;
. Which one of the following will usually be the priority need associated with young people taking out their first mortgage during early working life? A. An emergency fund. B. Income protection. C. Medium-term investments. D. Pension planning.
B Unit 1; Section 4
. When assessing suitability, which one of the following factors is irrelevant when choosing a solution for the client? A. The financial outlay required from the client. B. The state benefits the client may receive. C. The structure of the commission payment to the adviser. D. The timescale over which the product will run.
C Unit 1; 4.3