Cellular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory Flashcards
What is the basic principle of Hebb’s rule for associative learning?
Cells that fire together wire together. This is due to some growth or metabolic change in one or both cells.
What is associative learning and how is it achieved?
Learning by classical conditioning: the pairing of a conditioned stimulus, which gives a neutral response, to an unconditioned stimulus, which gives a strong response.
Explain how classical conditioning is done in Aplysia sea slugs.
- A reduced preparation is made.
- The tail is stimulated with electrodes. This is the unconditioned stimulus.
- The siphon is stimulated with a tapping device. This is the conditioned stimulus.
- The contraction of the siphon is detected by a movement transducer.
- The activity of the sensory and motor neurons are recorded by electrodes in the abdominal ganglia.
- This is repeated in spaced trials in order to increase the response from the conditioned stimulus.
What does the reduced preparation in Aplysia sea slugs include, and why?
- The siphon connected to the abdominal ganglia, which is connected to a collection of ganglia which then leads to the tail.
- The siphon and tail is where the 2 stimuli are delivered (unconditioned to the tail, conditioned to the siphon).
- The abdominal ganglia contains the sensory motor synapse which is responsible for the withdrawal reflex.
- The collection of ganglia include: cerebral, pleural and pedal. These contain the majority of the slugs’ neurons. The pedal ganglia is connected to the tail via nerves.
What is the behavioural outcome from classical conditioning on touching the siphon?
The behavioural response is greatly increased when the siphon is touched.
What is the cellular outcome from classical conditioning on touching the siphon?
A complex EPSP (excitatory post-synaptic potential) is seen in the LFS motor neuron (controls muscles of the siphon).
How was monosynaptic activity measured and why was this done?
This was done as touching the siphon activates the whole neural circuit, so doesn’t give information about the sensory neuron - motor neuron synapse.
It was measured by selectively firing an action potential into the electrode inserted into the sensory neuron.
What is the monosynaptic outcome from classical conditioning?
The EPSP is only enhanced in the paired environment, and it is no longer complex as it is smooth and from a single input, not multiple.
What is co-incidence detection, and what are the molecular mechanisms for this in both Aplysia and mammals?
Co-incidence detection molecular mechanisms allow for the unconditioned stimulus to be detected with the conditioned stimulus in order to prepare neurons for plasticity.
Aplysia - Serotonin
Mammals - NMDA type gultamate receptors
What are the properties of the NMDA glutamate receptors?
- Excitatory post-synaptic receptors in the CNS
- Ionotropic receptors permeable to Na+, K+ and Ca2+
- They are blocked by Mg2+ ions at negative membrane potentials.
When is the Mg2+ block removed in these NMDARs?
- When both depolarisation occurs and glutamate is present pre-synaptically.
- When depolarisation occurs, Mg2+ is flung out.
This is coincidence detection.
Describe coincidence detection by NMDARs
- There is some strong depolarisation pre-synaptically.
- Post-synaptic cell is receiving depolarisation from another input.
- Mg2+ is repulsed.
- Glutamate binds to the NMDAR.
- Calcium enters the post-synaptic cell.
Why is calcium entry through NMDARs important?
- Charge allows for depolarisation.
- Starts intracellular signalling cascades, including activation of kinases which lead to gene expression changing synaptic strength.
Why is the hippocampus important?
It is key for learning and memory.
Describe the structure of the hippocampus
It is arranged in a tri-synaptic circuit.
- Dentate gyrus.
- Has granule cells.
- Receives input from the cortex.
- Sends information to the CA3 region. - CA3
- Has pyramidal cells.
- Receives input from the dentate gyrus.
- Sends information to the CA1 region. - CA1
- Has pyramidal cells.
- Receives input from CA3 cells via interacting their dendrites with CA3 axons.