Cellular Injury Flashcards
what is the equation for O2 content?
O2 content= (Hb g/dL x 1.34) x SaO2+PaO2x0.003
what value is low in hypoxemia?
what is wrong in a ventilation defect?
the lung is perfused, but there isn’t adequate ventilation
what’s wrong in methemoglobinemia?
heme Fe3+, can’t bind O2
what is the cause of MetHb?
oxidant stress (drugs, sepsis)
what happens to PaO2 and SaO2 in MetHb?
what happens to oxygen binding curve?
normal PaO2, decreased SaO2
left shift
what is the Tx for MetHb?
IV methylene blue, accelerates methemoglobin reductase
decreases SaO2, normal PaO2, lactic acidosis
CO poisoning
Tx CO poisoning
100% O2 via nonrebreather mask/endotracheal tube
function of 2,3 BPG
stabilizes taut form of Hb
causes of left shifted oxygen binding curve
decreased 2,3 BPG CO alkalosis metHb fetal Hb hypothermia
causes of right shifted OBC
high altitude
high 2, 3BPG
at high altitude, what will be the values for CO2, 2,3BPG, and the OBC?
right shift OBC
low CO2 due to hyperventilation
high 2,3-BPG
effects of CO and CN on ETC
inhibit cytochrome oxidase, preventing the consumption of O2
this prevents O2 from diffusing from blood to tissue