Cellular Adaptation and Cell Necrosis Flashcards
Cellular Adaptation
- prolonged exposure of cells to adverse/exaggerated normal stimuli which evokes various changes at level of individual cells, tissues, or whole organs
- once removed… most cells return to normal, some do not
What is Atrophy? What are some examples?
- decrease in the size of a tissue, organ, or the entire body
- physiologic: thymus, bones, & ovaries/uterus/breasts after menopause
- pathologic: Alzheimer dementia (BEST), kidneys w/atherosclerosis, testicular atrophy
What is Hypertrophy? What is the best example?
- increase in size of tissues or organs due to enlargement of individual cells
- Physiologic: skeletal muscle of body builders due to weights
- Pathologic: LVH (hypertrophy of heart due to HTN)
What is Hyperplasia? What is the best example?
- increase in number of cells that can cause enlargement of tissues or organs
- i.e. BPH, pregnant uterus, polyps of colon/stomach
Can hyperplasia and hypertrophy be seen together?
Yes, i.e. hyperplastic prostate (BPH) or uterine smooth muscle cells during pregnancy
What is Metaplasia? What is the best example?
- change in type of cell
- always pathologic
- i.e. squamous metaplasia of bronchial epithelial cells in long term smokers
- i.e. gastric or glandular metaplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus from GERD
What is Dysplasia? What is the best example?
- “dis”ordered tissue growth of tissues resulting from chronic irritation/infection
- pre-cancerous
- cervical epithelia neoplasia or CIN on PAP smear –> cervical cancer
What is Anaplasia? List other names both pathologically and clinically?
- undifferentiation and uncontrolled growth of cells
- aka malignancy, carcinoma, cancer, neoplasm
List the 5 microscopic hallmarks of anaplasia
- Pleomorphism (cells and nuclei vary in size and shape)
- Nuclei irregular and hyperchromatic
- extremely high N/C ratio (1:1)
- large nucleoli present w/in nucleus
- large #’s of mitotic figures
What is Cell Necrosis?
death of cells or groups of cells w/in living organism
What is the difference between necrosis and autolysis?
- necrosis is seen in the living (w/inflammation)
- autolysis seen in tissues after death
What are the different types of necrosis?
- coagulative
- liquefactive
- caseous
- fat
What is the most common type of necrosis? Give examples.
- coagulative necrosis: cell proteins are altered or denatured; often caused by anoxia
- typically occurs in solid internal organs (heart, kidney, spleen, liver)
- i.e. heart tissue undergoing MI
What is Liquefactive necrosis? What is the best example?
- dead cells liquefy; soft and gel-like
- brain infarcts (CVA)
- also seen in lung abscess (staph aureus)
What is Caseous Necrosis? What is the best example?
- a form of coagulative necrosis where thick, yellow, cheesy substance forms
- i.e. TB, characterized by lung granulomas called Ghon Complex
- Also some fungal infections (histoplasmosis)