Cells & Organelles Flashcards
Cell Membrane
Which Cells are they found in?
Allows substances to enter the cell and leave to cell. Like a doorman. (Found in both.)
Cell Wall
Which Cells are they found in?
Extra protection around the Plant {cell only}.
Which Cells are they found in?
Contains {holds} all organelles. (Found in both.)
Which Cells are they found in?
Fills with food being digested and waste material that is on its way out of the cell. (Found in animal.)
Which Cells are they found in?
Makes proteins (Found in both.)
Which Cells are they found in?
modifies and packages proteins and Carbs. (Found in both.)
Rough ER
Which Cells are they found in?
Transports materials through the cell and produces proteins in sacks
(found in both animals and plants)
Smooth ER
Which Cells are they found in?
Makes proteins and lipids that will be exported by the cell
found in both animals and plants
Central Vacuole
Which Cells are they found in?
(Found in Animals.)
Which Cells are they found in?
Traps sunlight for energy. (Found in Plants.)
Which cells are they found in?
takes in nutrients, breaks them down, and creates energy rich molecules for the cell. (Found in both.)
Which cells are they found in?
Brain of cell. (Found in both animals and pants.)
Which cells are they found in?
Found inside of nucleus (look up later)
Found in both animals and plants
Nuclear membrane
Which cells are they found in?
Surrounds nucleus.
Found in both animals and plants
Which cells are they found in
Help with cell division (Found in animals and plants.)
Which cells are they found in?
Nutrients are digested by the cell and old organelles.
Found in animals.
Nuclear pores
Allows substances to enter the nucleus(Found in both pants and animals)