Cells Flashcards
Cell wall
Rigid structure that gives sture of a cell.
outer most structure of a cell.
Allows plants to stand tall.
Keep the shape of the cell
Cell membrane
Cell membrane
protective barrier of the cell.
lies just inside the cell wall .
contains lipids,proteins and phespholipids.
Controls movemente in and out of the cell.
protein passage; allow nutrients water in and wast out
Web of protein in the cytoskeleton.
Acts as muscle and skeleton.
Preventes the cell from collapsing.
Large structure of the cell.
DNA is stred here.
Any message to make protein are sent through it.
Smallest structure,but most abundat.
They produce proteins.
Chauns of amino acids
Small sac that surrounds materials that go in or out of the cell.
Moves new proteins from ER to Golgicomplex.
Moves materials from Golgicomplex to other parts of the cell
They make up all living things.
They are made up of many different parts.
They differ from plant to animal cells.
Organisms made up of cells that have a nucleus.
Animal,plants and fungi.
Many eukaryote are multicellular.
Eukaryote actually means ‘‘True Not’’ or ‘‘True Kernel.
Contein many specialized organelles.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Two types.
Rough ER;found by the nucleus and assiasts with prodetein.
Smoth ER;Makes lipid and breaks down toxins.
Power of the cell.
Breaks sugar clown to make ATP (energy)
Play a role in apoptosis,or cellular death.
Golgi Complex
Golgi Complex
Packages and distributes proteins.
Lipids and proteins are sent there to be changed for their job.
Prokaryote Eukaryote Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Unicellular
Cells are small,single and simple cells that lack a nucleus.
Types of prokaryotes
There are two types of prokaryotes;Bacteria and archaea
Archaea are older organisms that developed along the same time as eukaryotes
Bacteria are primitive single celled organisms that predate both archaea and eukaryotes and are more genetically different from the two.
Outer capsule
The outer capsule is also known as a ‘slime layer’’.
the cell walls of prokaryotic cells is made of peptidoglycan.
peptidoglycon is made of sugars.
Cell membrane
This membrane is selectively premeable, which means it allows some substances in, and keeps other substances out.
Gel like substance found troughout the cell
50% of all prokaryotes have a flagellum
the flagellum looks like a tail and acts as a propellor to help the cell move
Pilli and fimbriae are hair like appendages or the outer surface of the cell that aid in movement and the transfer of genetic information.