Cell Structure Flashcards
Part of Cell Biology unit
Microorganisms which are similar in size and structure to bacteria but are genetically different.
biological specimen
In microscopy, a whole organism, cells, tissues, a small piece of tissue, or other structures such as hair and pollen grains, that are viewed with a microscope.
To set an instrument or scale against a standard.
compound microscope
A compound microscope uses two lenses, the objective lens and the eyepiece. The very short focal length objective lens produces a greatly-magnified image, then the short focal length eyepiece magnifies this further.
eukaryotic cell
A type of cell that has a nucleus.
The eyepiece, or ocular, is the lens at the top of a compound microscope. It has a longer focal length than the objective lens and magnifies the image produced by the objective.
field of view
The area seen when looking through a microscope.
A glass or plastic disc fitted into the eyepiece of a microscope. The graticule has a scale ruled on it and is used to estimate the size of a specimen when viewed with a microscope.
light microscope
Device that uses visible light and a series of lenses to produce an enlarged image of an object.
The amount that an image of something is scaled up when viewed through a microscope.
A photograph taken of a microscopical image.
Structures in the cytoplasm of all cells where aerobic respiration takes place.
mounted needle
A needle mounted in a wooden or metal handle for use in microscope work or dissection.
objective lens
In a compound microscope, the lens closest to the specimen has a very short focal length and produces a greatly magnified image of the specimen.
order of magnitude
A number, to the base ten, often used to make comparisons. For each order of magnitude, a number is ten times larger than the previous one.
prokaryotic cell
A simple cell that does not have a nucleus - the DNA is free in the cytoplasm.
The fineness of detail that can be seen in an image - the higher the resolution of an image, the more detail it holds. In computing terms, resolution is measured in dots per inch (dpi).
The site of protein synthesis.