Cell signalling Flashcards
Different methods of cell signalling
cell to cell contact
Explain each method of cell signalling
Paracrine- cell releases ligands that attach to another cell nearby
Endocrine- cell releases ligands that travel a long distance throught the blood stream to attach to other cells
autocrine-cell releases ligands that bind to receptor on its self
cell to cell: direct transmition through either gap junctions or complimentary receptor and protein on each others surface
general mechanism of cell signalling
reception - ligand binds to receptor
transduction - use of relay molecules inside cell
response- cam be metabolic / affeft transcription etc
feedback loop - response might cause a feedback loop
Explain structure of G coupled protein receptor
It is a transmembrane protein with 7 transmembrane domains.
it has a ligand bindin extracellular site
a intracellular g-protein binding site
and a couple phosphorylation sites
structure of g protein
g protein is made up of 3 sub units a alpha,beta and gamma subunites
a gdp is attachted to the alpha subunit
explain how the gpcr effects g protein ? aka mechanism
once a ligand binds to receptor it
What is receptor tyrosine kinases
explain its structure and effects.
Single pass,trans-membrane receptor
it has very different extracellular proteins for each type of tyrosine kinase receptor
intraceullular structure is similar across all and contains a tyrosine kinase domain
controls cell proliferation,differnetiaition,survival,migration etc
explain mechanism of RTK
Ligand binding causes dimerization
this leads to intracellular tyrosine kinase domains to activate and phosphorylate each other
phosphorylation of tyrosine allows for docking sites to appear on the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase domain and once proteins bind it causes a down stream reaction
explain GTPases activation by RTKs; Ras
Grb-2 adaptor protein binds to docking site on tyrosine kinase domain,
this recruites ras GEF which reaches close to the gtpases ras protein
this promotes the dissassociation of gdp and the binding of gtp to activate the protein
the now active protein causes a reaction and phosphorylates map-kinase-kinase-kinase which then phosphorylates map kinase-kinase
which phosphorylates map-kinase which then affects effector proteins and cause response