cell physiology Flashcards
Describe the basic structure of the plasma membrane
surrounds the cell and most intracellular organelles.
- consists of a double layer of lipid molecule with embedded proteins (called phospholipid bilayer)
What molecules make up the plasma membrane? Describe each in detail
Consists of phospholipids, cholesterol and glycolipids along with carbon and oxygen as primary molecules.
- Phospholipids are amphipathic with polar head groups and non polar tails.
- Cholesterol is a steroid that is also amphipathic and maintains cell fluidity (prevents phospholipids from touching each other)
- Glycolipids are lipids with a small CHO chain attached (also amphipathic) and form glycocalyx which is involved with identification and interaction between cells
What is the function of the plasma membrane? (4 things)
- Physical barrier (keeps organelles and proteins inside the cell, maintains fluid composition and homeostasis/ pH balance)
- Cell-to-Cell communication (contains receptors that bind to specific signalling molecules arriving at cell surface)
- Structural support (contains cell junctions and connections between plasma membranes or between membranes and ECF materials)
- Transport (selectively permeable)
What is the function of the organelle membrane?
they reflect different functions of cells or organelles and have different content of lipids and proteins
What are the functions of desmosomes? What is its structure?
desmosomes are adhering junctions that anchor cells together in tissues that are subject to considerable stretching (like heart muscles)
- they are made up of the following proteins:
1 . plaques —> anchoring point for cadherins
2. Cadherins–> link cells together
3. Intermediate filaments –> structural supper and to anchors cytoskeleton of one cell to another to share the stress of stretching
What are the functions of tight junctions? What is its structure?
Tight junctions are found in epithelial tissue
- involved in molecular transport
- consist of:
1. occluding (link adjacent cells together to form impermeable function and limits movement of molecules between cells so molecules pass THROUGH cells instead) - essential for polarized cells
What is the function of gap junctions? What is its structure?
gap junctions are transmembrane channels linking cytoplasms of adjacent cells
- allows small molecules and ions to move between cells
- are made up of connexions
What is the basic function and structure of the nucleus?
basic function of the nucleus is transmission of genetic material and contains information for protein synthesis Has: - nuclear envelope (porous) - nuclear pores - nucleolus (where RNA synthesis occurs) and Chromatin (DNA associated w proteins)
what is basic function and structure of endoplasmic reticulum?
The rough ER:
- synthesis of proteins with bound functional ribosomes
- water soluble proteins, transmembrane proteins and post-translational modification of proteins
- Granular, with ribosomes on its surface
- flat
The smooth ER:
- synthesizes lipids, stores Calcium and involved in drug detoxification in liver cells
- argranular, with no ribosomes
- tubular
What is the basic function and structure of Golgi apparatus?
Composed of cisternae which have many vesicles.
- sorts and packages proteins
it preforms post translational modification on them and then packages them up in vesicles and sends them to their destination
What is the basic function and structure of lysosomes and peroxisomes?
lysosomes are digestive enzymes that are hydrolytic (break down large molecules to their smaller subunits)
- function at pH 5.0
- recycle organelles and destroy endocytose bacteria and viruses
- use oxygen to remove hydrogen from molecules
- a lot in kidney and liver
- breaks down a toxic called = 2H2O2 —> 2H2O + O2
What is the basic function and structure of mitochondria?
is the cell’s powerhouse, and consists of a double membrane and is involved in cellular respiration (production of ATP from oxygen)
What are two non membranous structures?
Ribosomes and cytoskeleton
What is the function and structure of ribosomes?
Ribosomes are non-membrane bound and they are involved in protein synthesis
they have two subunits called small and large and stye are composed of RNA
The two major types of functional ribosomes are free ribosomes and ribosomes bound to rough ER
What is the function and structure of cytoskeleton?
non-membrane bounce and is made up of protein filaments that sit in the cytoplasm.
- they maintain cell shape, maintain organelle positions and mediate cell and organelle motility (flagella)
What compromises the cytosol?
- Water, high potassium concentration, and low sodium concentration.
- High protein concentration. Carbohydrates, amino acids and lipids.
- Inclusion bodies (storage granules for triglycerides)
- Secretory vesicles (move to surface of cell when hormone needs to be released).
What are the different forms of vesicular transport? Define endocytosis and the three types of endocytosis? Define exocytosis?
Endocytosis --> uptake of material into a cell via vesicles that pinch off from cell membrane The three types of endocytosis are: 1. Phagocytosis "cell eating" 2. Pinocytosis "cell drinking" 3. Receptor-mediated endocytosis
Exocytosis is the release of material from the cell via vesicles that fuse with the cell membrane