cell parts Flashcards
what is a cell membrane
a phospholipid layer that covers a cell’s surface acts as a Barrie between the inside of a cell and the cell’s environment
what is a organelle
one of the small bodies in a cell’s cytoplasm that are specialized to a to perform a specific function
an orgasm made up of cells that have a nucleus
an organism that consists of a single cell that dose not have a nucleus
in a eukaryoti cell a memebrain-bound oragental that contains the cells dna and that has a role in prosses such as growth metabolism and reproduction
one of the small bodies in a cell cytopplamsam that are specalized to preform a spcific function
in biolagy the smallest unit that can perform all lif prosses cells are coverd by a embrain and have DNA and a cytoplasma
cell wall
a ridged struction that surrounds the cell membrain and provides supports to the cell
cell oragentalls compose of RNA and protean the sits of protein synthises
endoplasmic reticulum
a ssystem of tem of membrains that is found in a cells cytoplams and that asists the production
in eukaryotic cells oragentall that is surrounded by two membraces that is that the site of the celuler resperation
a small cavity or the sack that contains materasls n the eurktoys ell
golgi coplex
cell oragentl that helps make a package materails to be trasported our of the cell
a cell oraentall that contains diegane enymys
a group of simaler cells that peform a common fucntion