Cell Organelles Flashcards
Define Cytoplasm
The material between the plasma membrane and the nucleus.
Define: Mitochondria
(plural mi·to·chon·dria)
Energy “Powerhouse” of Cell.

Define: Ribosomes
(noun ri·bo·somes )
site of protein synthesis

Define: Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
(Rough ER)
Manufactures all secreted proteins

Define: Smooth Endoplasmic Retculum
Smooth ER
Allows lipid synthesis

Define: Golgi apparatus
(noun: Gol-gi-ap-pa-rat-us)
The modification, concentration and packaging of proteins

Define: Lysosomes
(Noun: Ly-so-somes)
They digest various substances

Define: Peroxisomes
(noun: per-ox-i-somes)
They neutralise free radicals

Define: Cytoskeleton
(noun: cy-to-skel-e-ton)
They maintain cell shape and assist movement

Define: Microfilaments
(noun: mi-cro-fil-a-ment)
They allow movement and mechanical support of a cell

Define Intermediate filaments
(noun: In-ter-me-di-ate fil-a-ment)
Function primarily in maintaining the shape and structural integrity of a cell

Define: Microtubules
(noun: mi-cro-tu-bule)
Providing structural support and assisting in cellular locomotion, internal transport and forming the spindle apparatus at cell divisions.

Define - Cilia
(noun: cil-i-a)
Maintain overall shape and organelles
they act in unison to produce an oar-like motion which moves the surrounding medium.

Define: Nucleus
(noun: nu-cle-us)
gene-containing control centre
the major functions of nucleus are to maintain the integrity of DNA and to control cellular activities

Define: Mitosis
(noun: mi-to-sis)
DNA duplication
Mitosis is the process by which a eukaryotic cell separates the chromosomes in its cell nucleus into two identical sets, in two separate nuclei.

Define:Protein Synthesis
transcription and translation

The material between the plasma membrane and the nucleus.
Define Cytoplasm
The modification, concentration and packaging of proteins
Define: Golgi apparatus
(noun: Gol-gi-ap-pa-rat-us)

They maintain cell shape and assist movement
Define: Cytoskeleton
(noun: cy-to-skel-e-ton)

Maintain overall shape and organelles
they act in unison to produce an oar-like motion which moves the surrounding medium.
Define - Cilia
(noun: cil-i-a)