Cell Membrane Flashcards
What types of materials need to move into or out of cells
Water, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide
In duffsion molecules always move
Areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration
A selectively permeable membrane
Allows some molecules to pass through but not others
Equilibrium means the concentration of the molecules is
the same
The movement of Water through the membrane from high to low concentration is called
How are diffusion and osmosis related
Osmosis is the diffusion of water though a membrane
When does diffusion through the cell membrane stop
When the concentrations are the same on both sides of the membrane or when equilateral is reached
Why are diffusion and osmosis considered passive ways of moving substances into and out of cells
They dont require the cell to use energy
Which of the following must be true in order for diffusion to occur
Molecules must be smaller than the pores in the membrane
When the egg was put into corn syrup in the egg osmosis experiment, water diffused _____the egg because the concentration of water was________in the egg than in the corn syrup.
Out of - higher
When the egg was placed in distilled water, water diffused ______the egg because the concentration of water was_____in the egg than in the water
Into - Lower
What is a concentration
When there is an area of higher concentration of a certain molecule and an area of a lower concentration of the molecules