Cell division Flashcards
What are histones?
Proteins that encircle DNA to make it more compact (forming nucleosomes) so that it can be packaged into chromosomes
What is mitosis?
Mitosis is a type of cell division that results in the exact copying of cells - one parent cell dividing to form 2 identical daughter cells
How many chromosomes are there in a diploid cell i.e. a fertilised egg?
22 pairs of homologous autosomal pairs and 1 pair of sex chromosomes (46 chromosomes)
What is interphase?
Interphase is the phase before division, in mitosis, it consists of G1 (when the cell grows), Synthesis (when the cell replicates it’s DNA) and G2 (when the cell continues to grow). Most cells live the majority of their cell cycle in this phase before division
What is a chromatid?
One copy of DNA. Two identical sister chromatids form a chromosome
What are the phases of mitosis?
Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase IPMAT
What happens in prophase?
Chromatin condenses into chromosomes
What happens in metaphase?
Chromosomes line up in the centre of the cell, nuclei disappear, mitotic spindles form and the chromosomes attach to the spindles (forming kinetochore microtubles) (MEET)
What happens in anaphase?
The kinetochore microtubules shorten, separating the chromatid pairs and the spindles start to pull the sister chromatids to the poles of the cell (APART)
What happens in telophase?
(The end). The chromatids reach the poles of the cells. The spindles disappear. Two new nuclei form and the chromosomes decondense.
What is cytokinesis?
Cytokenesis occurs after telophase, the cell splits in half (the cytoplasm divides) to form two cells.
What is meiosis?
Cell division that results in 4 haploid daughter cells (i.e. the formation of gametes)
How do mitosis and meisois differ?
Mitosis results in 2 identical diploid daughter cells, meiosis results in 4 haploid daughter cells. Mitosis undergoes IPMAT once, Meiosis undergoes IPMAT twice. In meiosis there is the possibility for variation so new combination of genes can be inherited (mendelian inheritance occurs in prophase 1)
What does Northern blotting show?
What does Southern blotting show?
What does Western blotting show?
Proteins (this process requires protein antibodies)
What is aneuploidy?
Presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes i.e. down’s syndrome and turner’s syndrome
What are the short and long arms of chromosomes called?
short arm = p for petite
Long arm = q for QOLLOSAL