Cell Differentiation and Gene Expression Glossary Flashcards
able to produce all cell types of both the body and the extra-embryonic parts (placenta, membranes).
Transcription factor
proteins that regulate transcription
Cell differentiation:
the production of different cell types within an organism.
Cell lineage:
the series of successive cell types leading from the zygote to a particular mature cell type.
the stability of cell differentiation, even after cessation of any inducing signal.
ES cell:
embryonic stem cell, a cell type found in very early embryos, able to differentiate into all cell types of the body.
Gene expression
synthesis of the product of a given gene – a protein or a functional RNAs like a tRNA. Involves transcription and (for proteins) translation.
Household gene
a gene expressed in all or nearly all cell types, e.g. tubulin.
Luxury gene
a gene expressed in only one or a few cell types.
Master gene regulator
a transcription factor that coordinately regulates many or all of the genes specifically expressed in a particular cell type.
Modulation (of gene expression)
a simple, reversible change in gene expression with no change in cell type.
able to produce several functional cell types (e.g, bone marrow stem cells). Also used for embryonic stem cells that can produce cell types of all three germ layers.
Postnatal (or adult) stem cell
an immature cell that can both divide to produce further cells like itself and differentiate to replace functional cells that are worn out or lost.
Precursor or progenitor
any immature cell type able to differentiate into another cell type(s).
a stretch of DNA at the 5’ end of a structural gene, which regulates transcription of that gene by binding certain transcription factors (proteins that regulate transcription).
Terminal differentiation
production of a mature functional cell type that cannot divide (e.g. neurons, skeletal muscle, granulocytes).
Transit cell
A cell that is undergoing terminal differentiation towards a functional cell type but is still itself able to divide.